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02-09-2024, 06:55 AM

Nervous about selling/buying home

So we are in the middle of closing on selling our current place and buying new home. Under contract for both but getting cold feet.

Biggest reasons for move.

1.5 hour drive to work one way.

We have a lot of land and it's nice but also a lot of upkeep.

We live in a mobile home and it will be awhile before we have the funds to build.

Downsizing land means more time for family time and other activities.

We will be moving to a house with garage and storm shelter which for severe weather is a huge plus for wife and kids.

I think the only thing we have cold feet about is leaving our family land I grew up on and we like the area…but the area is also not the nicest place it's getting worse as the years go on.

How do we get over the cold feet of selling our current place and moving on for the better.
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02-19-2024, 07:49 PM
Originally Posted By Archaic2021
1.5 hour drive to work one way.
Stop overthinking and just do it. Your mental health will thank you.
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02-20-2024, 04:13 AM
commuting 3 hours a day is a waste of your life. do it now and don't look back
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