COOL NASA Moon Landing Stats !

The international space station (ISS) is 1000x closer to the Earth than the moon, but traveling to the ISS takes at least 4 hours to reach when the moon takes a whole 72 hours!

The Apollo 11 aircraft had a max speed of nearly 25,000 miles per hour on the way to the moon, but had to slow down to only 1.6 km/sec (~3600 mph) to orbit the moon while the lander was deployed.

This marvel of advanced human technology was able to land safely on the moon, then take off and dock with the command module traveling 1.6 km/sec 100km above the surface of the moon. It was apparently jettisoned off after docking and was lost to humanity forever.

It took the lunar module nearly 4 times as much fuel to land than it did to fly back up to the command module.

I'm glad we had brave men in the past that were able to do this, because we don't have the technology or the masculinity today to touchdown on the moon again. Not even China could throw enough bodies/money/attempts at reaching the moon to achieve what we were able to do nearly 60 years ago. And don't tell me it isn't worth the money when Lance Bass paid something like $20M just to go into space.