Busy Day is Busy! Slow TF Down Joe!

Take A Look Inside President Biden’s Day: June 11, 2024


10:00 AM President Biden receives the President’s Daily Brief

12:00 PM President Biden and VP Harris have lunch

12:50 PM President Biden departs the White House en route to the Washington Hilton

1:30 PM President Biden delivers remarks at Everytown’s Gun Sense University

2:15 PM President Biden departs the Washington Hilton en route to the White House

2:25 PM President Biden arrives at the White House

Briefing Schedule

2:30 PM Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre


10am-2:30pm - that's over four hours!

Hard - and I mean HARDEST working Potato in Washington, Jack!
"Do you think S actually felt like that was a sxual thing he was doig? he's like. Only an actual p3do would thik that she thought he was groping her, too."

"Not that it's impossibl to touch a minor inapproriately, but it is true that a 6 year old girl will not recognie someone putting a hand on their chest as roping, whether it is inappropriat or not."

- Jayarbie
