Hurt my back lifting the olympic bar

I was preparing for my workout and moved the bar so I could re-adjust the hooks and when I lifted the bar up and off the hooks my lower back went crunch and stiffened up, could barely move for about 30 seconds… The bar wasn't loaded or anything.

Fuark boyos, don't know what do now.

It feels almost normal now but a little stiff.
Bloatlord, Arm wrestler, Live/sister/4 kids, Schizo, M:TG, Home gym, Fincel,
Open heart surgery, Disabled, Hep C, Dietcel, Low test, NOT an incel

Start transformation :
DL 405 x 5 :

Getterdone, GaryRidgway, BalognaNbeans
Blueberryboy, SirFapsAIot, explosiveMidget

I have list/users I hate.

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