Friend travels abroad yearly and then complains about wageSLAVE & can never retire

I have this friend. Most of the time they are complaining about the suck of being a wageSLAVE and how they can never retire. They are miserable most of the year but just near to the time they will take that International Holiday they are happy. For the week or two traveling they are happy. Then soon after they are miserable again

this is a woman, she's not a promiscuous woman either. in most other ways she's a good gal. I have tried to indirectly learn her about $$$ matters like saving/investing and she pretends to listen but I don't think she really does. So I listen to her complain about her life of wageSLAVING. I don't know how to help her other than just listen to her complaining. I don't mind to listen to a friend's complaining, doesn't require much of me other than letting them borrow the ears and shoulders, but if they are selfish and don't give me the same good friendship to listen when I have some complaints then I will stop being that friend who will share their burden and give them some stress-relief venting time.