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02-02-2024, 11:32 PM
Ukraine Update!

Day 709 of Ukraine defending the world from communist Russia. (Everything is going according to plan comrade!)

387,060 Russian casualties (OUCH!)🚩

332 Russian aircraft destroyed (OUCH!)🚩

324 helicopters destroyed (OUCH!)🚩

6,331 Russian tanks destroyed (OUCH!)🚩

11,792 Russian armored vehicles destroyed (OUCH!)🚩

12,316 Vehicles and fuel tanks destroyed (OUCH!)🚩

9,274 artillery systems destroyed (OUCH!)🚩

Ruble down 64% in the last 10 years (OUCH!)🚩

Russian 10Y Bond Yield 12.3% (OUCH!)🚩

Russian central bank now raising rates to 16% amid record inflation as the printing machine goes BRRRRR in an attempt to pay for Putins unpopular war (OUCH!)🚩

30% of Russian homes do NOT have indoor plumbing (OUCH!)🚩

Russia GDP 1.8 trillion, smaller than Italy (🤣)🚩

US GDP 26.5 trillion, a 30% increase under Biden’s presidency (YAY😊)✅

Even if the war ended today, Putin has absolutely decimated the Russian economy via brain drain, high interest rates, corruption, closing of the free market, and focusing on military spending over investment in infrastructure. All of these problems are INCREASING with each passing day, not being resolved.

Russia’s gigantic failure to predict the west’s ability to support Ukraine has put China in a tough spot, as they were hoping for a strong Russia in place when they finally made their move on Taiwan. Now China largely stands alone and Biden is strengthening the first and second island chain more than expected. In one fell swoop Russia has destroyed its own future and weakened their ally in the region.

Russia getting its teeth kicked in after spending two decades undermining US hegemony, arming socialist nations & terrorist groups is… delicious 😋
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02-03-2024, 01:03 AM
Originally Posted By LargePeter
LMFAO at getting cucked by the truth so you reply with "hurr, manlet asian"

Lol, the adults are talking you queer
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02-03-2024, 01:37 AM
Originally Posted By BigDeeps01

Lol, the adults are talking you queer
Ok 1Adults talking isn't gay kunts like you coping about
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02-03-2024, 01:48 AM
Originally Posted By LargePeter
Ok 1Adults talking isn't gay kunts like you coping about
Can you say this in English?
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02-03-2024, 02:34 AM
Originally Posted By Zelensky
Ukraine is backed by the US and NATO, why haven't they been able to kick out some orcs carrying shovels?
Cuz there be lots of those orcs.

2200 eur army salary will drive the average russian to death.
Defeat the defeatist.
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02-03-2024, 04:55 AM
Leaked phone calls from Zaluzhnyi state that he would call Zelenskyy a variety of insulting nicknames in private like "small Mossad agent.", "Homo Joker" Leaked phone calls from Zaluzhnyi state that he would call Zelenskyy a variety of insulting nicknames in private like "small Mossad agent.", "Homo Joker"

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02-03-2024, 11:17 AM
Originally Posted By Muscle2021
Leaked phone calls from Zaluzhnyi state that he would call Zelenskyy a variety of insulting nicknames in private like "small Mossad agent.", "Homo Joker" Leaked phone calls from Zaluzhnyi state that he would call Zelenskyy a variety of insulting nicknames in private like "small Mossad agent.", "Homo Joker"

Ukraine is winning, is a democracy, but the President cant fire his top general who calls him a drug adled Mossad agent and takes pictures with a Nazi collaborator. Wow.
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02-03-2024, 11:32 AM
Originally Posted By Muscle2021
Leaked phone calls from Zaluzhnyi state that he would call Zelenskyy a variety of insulting nicknames in private like "small Mossad agent.", "Homo Joker" Leaked phone calls from Zaluzhnyi state that he would call Zelenskyy a variety of insulting nicknames in private like "small Mossad agent.", "Homo Joker"

Imagine being the retard crew and putting Zelensky on a pedestal while his top general calls him "Homo Joker". And while the retard crew hasn't been right about anything in two years I've been calling the Ukies "homo boyz" for a long time. Looks like I was right.

If this is the stuff they are letting be known publicly then in private the whole Ukie government has to be a complete ****show. Hundreds of billions of dollars in equipment and NATO training and the homo boyz can't beat some orcs with shovels probably because the entire government is dysfunctional. I'm wondering how much it's like final days of Hitler in the bunker in Big Z's offices right now.

Just ****ing LOL at the retard crew.
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02-03-2024, 02:29 PM
A wounded Ukrainian Armed Forces officer spoke about the difficult situation at the front: the Armed Forces of Ukraine have a severe shortage of people, and those forcibly mobilized are fleeing their units

▪️“Not enough people. There are more Russians, and they have more of everything. The situation is difficult,” he said.
▪️At the same time, the military does not condemn those who go to the SZCh, since not everyone can withstand the war.
▪️He also said that he receives money during treatment, but did not receive money for the wound itself (“half his body in fragments”), because it is not considered serious.

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02-03-2024, 02:42 PM
Originally Posted By Muscle2021
Leaked phone calls from Zaluzhnyi state that he would call Zelenskyy a variety of insulting nicknames in private like "small Mossad agent.", "Homo Joker" Leaked phone calls from Zaluzhnyi state that he would call Zelenskyy a variety of insulting nicknames in private like "small Mossad agent.", "Homo Joker"

Lmao Zelensky is a little homo it's true
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02-03-2024, 04:14 PM
Another oil refinery hit last night in orcland (fifth largest?). Its crazy they only have 30 of these in total.

The export drop russia had from last months hits seemed to be significant, "It said gasoline and diesel exports have been reduced in January by 37% and 23% respectively from the same month in 2023."

putlers new cope seem have a bit less chest beating.

“We must continue the war if we don't want to condemn our children to feel like second-class citizens and eat rotten potatoes others will give us as humanitarian aid.”

I dont think iran and north korea are too big on humanitarian aid?

Originally Posted By Muscle2021
Leaked phone calls from Zaluzhnyi state that he would call Zelenskyy a variety of insulting nicknames in private like "small Mossad agent.", "Homo Joker"
Oh no not the bad words. How mad are russians we dont have a thought police that sends people to the gulag for this?
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02-03-2024, 06:29 PM

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02-04-2024, 12:29 AM
Looks like Adveevka will be the new Bakhmut. A Ukrainian meat grinder.

The Russians appear to have perfected this strategy. Draw the Ukrainians into a town that is seen as a tentpole, while maintaining artillery supremacy and then cut down the Ukrainians.

The Ukrainians and their American planners are out of their depth.
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02-04-2024, 03:00 AM
Originally Posted By PimpinisEasy
Looks like Adveevka will be the new Bakhmut. A Ukrainian meat grinder.

The Russians appear to have perfected this strategy. Draw the Ukrainians into a town that is seen as a tentpole, while maintaining artillery supremacy and then cut down the Ukrainians.

The Ukrainians and their American planners are out of their depth.
inb4 "Ukrainians do a strategic retreat to higher grounds after grinding down Russian men and ammo"
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02-04-2024, 05:03 AM
Originally Posted By J3remy
inb4 "Ukrainians do a strategic retreat to higher grounds after grinding down Russian men and ammo"
Here's a topographical map of Ukraine

Avdiivka is very slightly NW of Donetsk. There's no higher ground for them.
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What part of "Shall Not Be Infringed" are you having trouble with?

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02-04-2024, 07:13 AM
Originally Posted By Ikeman83
Here's a topographical map of Ukraine

Avdiivka is very slightly NW of Donetsk. There's no higher ground for them.
That wont stop them from saying it. Just like they said kherson would result in a beach head creating a path to crimea

Reality isnt important to retards
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02-04-2024, 09:01 AM
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02-04-2024, 10:08 AM
Originally Posted By Stizzel

brooooooooooooooooooooo I don't have a twitter or X account but will rep and suck off anyone who provides a watchable video link
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02-04-2024, 01:14 PM
– GEROMAN – time will tell - –
RF is currently attacking from all possible directions into Avdeevka.
That tactics will not only pin down all remaining Ukrainian forces - it also prevents them from shifting reserves to any sector inside the city - empties their magazines - and so force them to either sent in resupplies over the now very supressed supply lines - or to try to fight their way out of the city.
A general and orderly retreat is now completely impossible without heavy losses
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02-04-2024, 03:20 PM
Originally Posted By Stizzel

Tucker is going to get himself killed if he keeps doing this.

You can't just go around the entire western hemisphere of influence and interview people they blacklisted without repercussions.

Bros going to have an "accident"
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02-04-2024, 03:27 PM
Originally Posted By Stizzel
Is this real life?

When? I want to watch this.
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02-04-2024, 03:58 PM
Originally Posted By exxtracool
Is this real life?

When? I want to watch this.
He hasnt put out anything official yet but fingers crossed
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02-04-2024, 03:59 PM
Breaking news! Breaking news!
Ukrainian sources CONFIRM Russian troops have entered northern residential areas of Avdiivka Ukrainian sources CONFIRM Russian troops have entered northern residential areas of Avdiivka

Additionally, military summary channel is reporting Russian special forces in CENTRAL Avdiivka.
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02-04-2024, 04:03 PM
Originally Posted By Muscle2021
Breaking news! Breaking news!
Ukrainian sources CONFIRM Russian troops have entered northern residential areas of Avdiivka Ukrainian sources CONFIRM Russian troops have entered northern residential areas of Avdiivka

Additionally, military summary channel is reporting Russian special forces in CENTRAL Avdiivka.
This is just further evidence that Ukraine is winning
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02-04-2024, 04:05 PM
Putin is the most censored man in the West? Not a single speech or interview has been censored that involves Putin, it's available all over the internet. Here, quit crying and watch his "censored" 3-hour long televised conference from last month:

As always, tryhard alt-right losers are desperate to stay edgy again. Cucker's entire platform relies on him being "different" and making shocking headlines to stay relevant, otherwise no one would listen to him. What a sad man. I used to find him somewhat entertaining but then the whole nonstop sensationalism shtick got old really quick.

I'm sure Cucker stopped by the Russian gulags to interview all the jailed American citizens who rot there for no reason. Or was he too scared to anger Putin?

Up next: Interview with the leaders of Iran to thank them for killing 3 American soldiers. Vatniks would love that one.
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02-04-2024, 04:06 PM
Originally Posted By Muscle2021
Breaking news! Breaking news!
Ukrainian sources CONFIRM Russian troops have entered northern residential areas of Avdiivka Ukrainian sources CONFIRM Russian troops have entered northern residential areas of Avdiivka

Additionally, military summary channel is reporting Russian special forces in CENTRAL Avdiivka.
Ukraine is bringing in their abrams tanks, lets see how long it takes for the orcs to retreat
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02-04-2024, 04:16 PM
Originally Posted By TrueTruth
Putin is the most censored man in the West? Not a single speech or interview has been censored that involves Putin, it's available all over the internet. Here, quit crying and watch his "censored" 3-hour long televised conference from last month:
Conservatives making themselves out to be victims, nothing new. Water is wet. You call them out on blatantly lying and they won’t apologize or admit it, it’s onto the next lie, the next Fox News Alex jones propaganda piece. They will never have to face reality, the lie has become their reality.
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02-04-2024, 04:45 PM
Just tried to check Tucker Carlson's Twitter (I dont use Twitter).
It made me do 10 tests to prove I'm real. Nailed it. But it still came back saying it was wrong and had to do it all over again….
Phukc I hate the modern internet.
Think I'll wait for someone to post here.
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02-04-2024, 04:46 PM
Originally Posted By Stizzel
Ukraine is bringing in their abrams tanks, lets see how long it takes for the orcs to retreat
Cant wait to see these giant targets, target practiced.
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02-04-2024, 04:49 PM
Originally Posted By Evil_D
Cant wait to see these giant targets, target practiced.
Jokes on you vatnig, the ukrainians have only been pretending to get their shyt pushed in up and down the line. Now that the orcs are committed to avdiivka the mighty abrams will send them packing in short order. Just you wait.
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