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07-18-2024, 08:20 AM
Originally Posted By Muneyy
Sober Crew Bump. SUV broke down the other day and I had a 2 hr wait for a ride and a 5 iron shot away was a pub. Sucked it up and didn ruin my 230 day streak, but man that was tempting.
Das it mane. 230 days is impressive.
Nah bro I’m sweet.
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07-18-2024, 08:41 AM
Originally Posted By Muneyy
Sober Crew Bump. SUV broke down the other day and I had a 2 hr wait for a ride and a 5 iron shot away was a pub. Sucked it up and didn ruin my 230 day streak, but man that was tempting.
Gjdm! Keep it up srs.
Sloots Gon Sloot.
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07-19-2024, 01:06 PM
Originally Posted By 6foot2masterace
Got blood test results from yearly physically. Didn't mention anything about liver which was surprising to hear. Guess taking time off actually helps with it. My cholesterol is high so gotta work on that. Had drank over the last week. But wasn't doing the back to back days and the numbers were no where near as I high as they used to be, still no excuse. Didn't drink last night so back onto the sober train. Been pretty good over last two months, lost 20 pounds back into the 270's. Looking to get into the 190s where I was before I started crushing beers so hard lol
I'm glad to hear that it sounds like your liver is recovering! It's amazing how resilient the human body is. Nice work on losing the 20 pounds!

Originally Posted By gtg
livers numbers are good but platelesa nd globulin are in the lowish end.
That's great to hear!

Originally Posted By Talason
14 months sober from alcohol, never have felt better in my life.

The strangest thing is the complete lack of urge to drink, even from the day that I stopped.
Congrats on your 14 months of sobriety! I'm sure having a lack of craving to drink has been helpful!

Originally Posted By Rooney15
Thank you. I have learned a lot about my emotions which I always bottled up and started to let them out in a negative way while drinking. But now I get them out by journaling, talking to someone etc.. I also go to meetings and talk with other sober people. I also wrote a goodbye letter to alcohol which really made me realize just how big of a part it was in my life the last 8 years or so.
Journaling is definitely a really good and healthy coping skill. It's nice to be able to get your thoughts and feelings out onto a page, especially in the times where there is nobody to talk to. Definitely helpful to talk to someone as well as go to meetings. I like your idea of a goodbye letter to alcohol. I'm sure that was cathartic!

Originally Posted By TheDukeUSMC
I will rep people in here at random
Thanks mod brah!

Originally Posted By Krackerjacked
I don’t have the rep he^ does but I generally rep everyone who posts too.
My main addiction has been porn so slightly different but I’m all about brahs bettering themselves.
Thank you brah! I'm glad to see that there have been more than a few people posting in here.

Originally Posted By Muneyy
Sober Crew Bump. SUV broke down the other day and I had a 2 hr wait for a ride and a 5 iron shot away was a pub. Sucked it up and didn ruin my 230 day streak, but man that was tempting.
GJDM on not letting that challenge make you break down and drink. Congrats on over 230 days of sobriety!
Miscer in recovery: clean date 03/30/22

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07-20-2024, 05:01 AM
First post in here… 105 days sober today. I came very close yesterday… my girlfriend still drinks (normal person amounts with dinner etc) and we went out and I really planned on ordering a beer and then had some beer in the fridge (I homebrewed a large amount before I took this break) at home ready to drink, but I felt such a large amount of hesitation at the restaurant that I got water instead.

I've had a really successful last 105 days - promoted at work (which I had earned while I was still drinking), successful first 3 months in that role, travelled for work for the first time (Twice) and absolutely killed 2 major presentations, one of which I had zero time to prepare for. I feel much more ready to tackle life every day, much less anxiety in general, and feel more healthy, but I still feel the urge sometimes and wonder why I even started in the first place. I heavily romanticize drinking still, miss having a beer on the beach, and am wondering if I'll be sad that I didn't since we only have another month and a bit of beach weather where I'm at in Canada. I know that I don't want to have a little bit, I want to have multiple and will feel terrible the next day, but still somehow think it's a good idea lol.

No real point to this post, just wanted to vent a bit since I have no one to talk to about these things with.
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07-20-2024, 07:58 AM
Originally Posted By Jeffieh
No real point to this post, just wanted to vent a bit since I have no one to talk to about these things with.
Gjdm! Stick with it dude. And I wouldn’t blame yourself, our society heavily romanticizes drinking and even drug use these days. Good on you for not following the trend.
Sloots Gon Sloot.
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07-22-2024, 06:53 PM
Not sure if this is the right place for this, but I think my gf is an alcoholic or maybe abusing something else that is driving out of control drinking.

I’ve been dating her about 6 months. For the first three or so, it was fantastic. Every minute with her was great, she was loving, thoughtful, complimentary, etc., 100% of the time.

It got to the point where we were telling each other we loved each other, talking about the possibility of a future, etc. I was completely filled with optimism, and she was such a breath of fresh air after getting out of a mentally abusive relationship with my ex.

Then something weird happened a few months in. She went as my date to an event and we had a great time. We had roughly the same quantity of alcohol. I felt a little buzzed and she was probably a little further along but behaving normally. On the way home, she started berating me out of nowhere for things that were not even applicable to me, almost like she was arguing with an ex. I have never experienced anything like it.

The next morning, she said she had no idea why she said those things, meant none of them, and she chalked it up to maybe dozing off and then confusing a bad dream with reality. I kind of bought that and assumed it was just a weird occurrence.

A few weeks later after being out and having some drinks, it happened again. Everything is totally fine and then suddenly she’s attacking me verbally and saying things that totally contradict everything she says and makes me feel the rest of the time. I talked to her about it the next day, and the conversation was similar. “I didn’t mean those things and don’t know why I said them. Remember that I love you, and you are not the problem at all. You treat me great and don’t deserve that. It’s my problem to solve.”

Gradually, it has ramped up to where I’m getting this random mental/emotional abuse several nights a week. She has been drinking a lot, maybe because of stress about potentially losing her job due to layoffs (which happened Friday). This past week, she did this to me Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (in front of my whole family after getting blackout stumbling drunk during a low-key event with smaller kids), Saturday, and last night.

I’ve tried to talk to her about potentially having an issue in the past a few times and suggested maybe we both take a break from drinking and focus on the gym and other hobbies for a while. She was sort of receptive but didn’t really follow through. She kind of jokes around sometimes about being a bad influence on me when I’m hanging out with her and she offers me some drink out of her fridge. She has acknowledged a few times that she’s been drinking too much.

A couple weeks ago, I talked to her about it. Then she didn’t drink more than a drink or two a couple of days that week, and everything was great. At dinner that week, I told her I appreciated her effort. She said she got the impression things wouldn’t work out between us if she didn’t make a change so was working on it. She also said she had been scared to tell me but that she sometimes takes ******** and thinks some reaction between that and drinking causes the personality change. That Friday by the time I was home from work, she must have felt like it was weekend party time, gone and gotten a pack of White Claw from the store, and finished most of the 12. Bad night again.

Last night, partway through her having a one-way text fight with me, I sent a long message about how her behavior had changed in recent months, how her personality was routinely changing in a negative way, and that it was resulting in her treating me in an abusive way. I reinforced that I wasn’t mad or saying this to break up with her, but that I care about her and want to help and that I’m here to have an honest conversation and work through it. I knew what would happen, but that obviously triggered hours of unhinged and mostly nonsense texts to me.

This morning, I sent a follow up and re-sent that text, asking her to please read it, understand that it comes from a place of love, that I still want to be with her if this issue is addressed, and that I’m always here to talk when she’s ready.

That was about 13 hours ago. I haven’t gotten any response. It’s very tempting to reach back out, but I’m trying not to and to leave the ball in her court. I don’t know if she’s mad and that she thinks we broke up, if she’s cutting me out and ghosting me, if she’s preparing herself mentally to have a conversation with me, or if she’s been sitting at her house drinking because she’s upset and thinks I’m mad or that she ruined everything or whatever.

If people have dealt with this or have been the one behaving like her, advice is welcome. I have friends telling me she sounds nuts and to just bail, but I’m interested in thoughts about maybe achieving a positive outcome where this isn’t the end of something that seemed like a potentially great long-term possibility.

Before this issue popped up, she told me she loved me, that she hadn’t dated anyone as good as me before, that she was optimistic we could have a future, and so on. There were some foreboding comments also about not wanting to lose me and hoping she wouldn’t mess this up.

For added context, she’s been having frequent, serious nosebleeds during approximately the same period of time that the abuse issue has been happening and hasn’t had it checked out by anyone. I’m wondering whether she’s possibly taking ******** or another stimulant drug nasally and whether that could be creating a manic state that drives the serious binge drinking she didn’t exhibit during our first few months.
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07-22-2024, 07:13 PM
Originally Posted By bradlehman
Not sure if this is the right place for this, but I think my gf is an alcoholic or maybe abusing something else that is driving out of control drinking.
I haven’t dealt with that same situation but all I can say is there’s no chance I’d be dealing with something like that after only 6 months. IMO walk brother.
Sloots Gon Sloot.
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08-05-2024, 07:58 PM
Guys, Today, I'm 1 year sober now. Last year, on this day I was heavily jaundiced and saw my family members were crying. I vowed to never touch alcohol again. I know sober life is boring but on alcohol it is 10x hard. So, stay sober my friends. You have only one liver and it is beast organ.
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08-05-2024, 08:01 PM
My time has been reset back to 3 days. Was kinda on a few month long binge, but I’m back on the path now, and I didn’t end up dead or in jail so that’s good.
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08-08-2024, 11:50 AM
Originally Posted By 6foot2masterace
Been pretty good over last two months, lost 20 pounds back into the 270's
The booze weight is real. I lost 30lbs in 2 months and all I did was stopped drinking. I was (still am) eating like **** and weight was still falling off. I gotta tighten down on my diet now and keep it going since I've plateaued for a few months.
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08-11-2024, 03:36 PM
Originally Posted By bradlehman
Not sure if this is the right place for this, but I think my gf is an alcoholic or maybe abusing something else that is driving out of control drinking.

I’ve been dating her about 6 months. For the first three or so, it was fantastic. Every minute with her was great, she was loving, thoughtful, complimentary, etc., 100% of the time.

It got to the point where we were telling each other we loved each other, talking about the possibility of a future, etc. I was completely filled with optimism, and she was such a breath of fresh air after getting out of a mentally abusive relationship with my ex.

Then something weird happened a few months in. She went as my date to an event and we had a great time. We had roughly the same quantity of alcohol. I felt a little buzzed and she was probably a little further along but behaving normally. On the way home, she started berating me out of nowhere for things that were not even applicable to me, almost like she was arguing with an ex. I have never experienced anything like it.

The next morning, she said she had no idea why she said those things, meant none of them, and she chalked it up to maybe dozing off and then confusing a bad dream with reality. I kind of bought that and assumed it was just a weird occurrence.

A few weeks later after being out and having some drinks, it happened again. Everything is totally fine and then suddenly she’s attacking me verbally and saying things that totally contradict everything she says and makes me feel the rest of the time. I talked to her about it the next day, and the conversation was similar. “I didn’t mean those things and don’t know why I said them. Remember that I love you, and you are not the problem at all. You treat me great and don’t deserve that. It’s my problem to solve.”

Gradually, it has ramped up to where I’m getting this random mental/emotional abuse several nights a week. She has been drinking a lot, maybe because of stress about potentially losing her job due to layoffs (which happened Friday). This past week, she did this to me Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (in front of my whole family after getting blackout stumbling drunk during a low-key event with smaller kids), Saturday, and last night.

I’ve tried to talk to her about potentially having an issue in the past a few times and suggested maybe we both take a break from drinking and focus on the gym and other hobbies for a while. She was sort of receptive but didn’t really follow through. She kind of jokes around sometimes about being a bad influence on me when I’m hanging out with her and she offers me some drink out of her fridge. She has acknowledged a few times that she’s been drinking too much.

A couple weeks ago, I talked to her about it. Then she didn’t drink more than a drink or two a couple of days that week, and everything was great. At dinner that week, I told her I appreciated her effort. She said she got the impression things wouldn’t work out between us if she didn’t make a change so was working on it. She also said she had been scared to tell me but that she sometimes takes ******** and thinks some reaction between that and drinking causes the personality change. That Friday by the time I was home from work, she must have felt like it was weekend party time, gone and gotten a pack of White Claw from the store, and finished most of the 12. Bad night again.

Last night, partway through her having a one-way text fight with me, I sent a long message about how her behavior had changed in recent months, how her personality was routinely changing in a negative way, and that it was resulting in her treating me in an abusive way. I reinforced that I wasn’t mad or saying this to break up with her, but that I care about her and want to help and that I’m here to have an honest conversation and work through it. I knew what would happen, but that obviously triggered hours of unhinged and mostly nonsense texts to me.

This morning, I sent a follow up and re-sent that text, asking her to please read it, understand that it comes from a place of love, that I still want to be with her if this issue is addressed, and that I’m always here to talk when she’s ready.

That was about 13 hours ago. I haven’t gotten any response. It’s very tempting to reach back out, but I’m trying not to and to leave the ball in her court. I don’t know if she’s mad and that she thinks we broke up, if she’s cutting me out and ghosting me, if she’s preparing herself mentally to have a conversation with me, or if she’s been sitting at her house drinking because she’s upset and thinks I’m mad or that she ruined everything or whatever.

If people have dealt with this or have been the one behaving like her, advice is welcome. I have friends telling me she sounds nuts and to just bail, but I’m interested in thoughts about maybe achieving a positive outcome where this isn’t the end of something that seemed like a potentially great long-term possibility.

Before this issue popped up, she told me she loved me, that she hadn’t dated anyone as good as me before, that she was optimistic we could have a future, and so on. There were some foreboding comments also about not wanting to lose me and hoping she wouldn’t mess this up.

For added context, she’s been having frequent, serious nosebleeds during approximately the same period of time that the abuse issue has been happening and hasn’t had it checked out by anyone. I’m wondering whether she’s possibly taking ******** or another stimulant drug nasally and whether that could be creating a manic state that drives the serious binge drinking she didn’t exhibit during our first few months.
Sounds like a difficult situation. It tough to say for sure what is going on. It sounds like it would be the best for your physical and mental health to discontinue pursuit of a relationship with her.

Originally Posted By gtg
Guys, Today, I'm 1 year sober now. Last year, on this day I was heavily jaundiced and saw my family members were crying. I vowed to never touch alcohol again. I know sober life is boring but on alcohol it is 10x hard. So, stay sober my friends. You have only one liver and it is beast organ.
Congrats on hitting the one year mark! It sounds like you were at a very low place this time last year!

Originally Posted By BlackJack619
My time has been reset back to 3 days. Was kinda on a few month long binge, but I’m back on the path now, and I didn’t end up dead or in jail so that’s good.
Welcome back! Thank you for sharing, I know it can be difficult to come back to a recovery place, that takes a lot of strength!
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08-22-2024, 09:54 AM
1,220 days since my last alcoholic anything and it feels good. If this dumb ass who drank almost every day with a week justification of "it takes the edge off the rest of the day" y'all can do it you all can too…
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08-22-2024, 10:21 AM
Originally Posted By bezarker
1,220 days since my last alcoholic anything and it feels good. If this dumb ass who drank almost every day with a week justification of "it takes the edge off the rest of the day" y'all can do it you all can too…
Damn congrats on over 1200 days! Do you have any suggestions or advice that helped you?
Miscer in recovery: clean date 03/30/22

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08-22-2024, 10:38 AM
Originally Posted By bezarker
1,220 days since my last alcoholic anything and it feels good. If this dumb ass who drank almost every day with a week justification of "it takes the edge off the rest of the day" y'all can do it you all can too…
This is excellent. Congratulations.
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08-22-2024, 11:47 AM
Originally Posted By bezarker
1,220 days since my last alcoholic anything and it feels good. If this dumb ass who drank almost every day with a week justification of "it takes the edge off the rest of the day" y'all can do it you all can too…
This makes my weiner wiggle. Props my friend! Congratulations
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Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life.
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08-22-2024, 11:48 AM
Originally Posted By Jeffieh
First post in here… 105 days sober today. I came very close yesterday… my girlfriend still drinks (normal person amounts with dinner etc) and we went out and I really planned on ordering a beer and then had some beer in the fridge (I homebrewed a large amount before I took this break) at home ready to drink, but I felt such a large amount of hesitation at the restaurant that I got water instead.

I've had a really successful last 105 days - promoted at work (which I had earned while I was still drinking), successful first 3 months in that role, travelled for work for the first time (Twice) and absolutely killed 2 major presentations, one of which I had zero time to prepare for. I feel much more ready to tackle life every day, much less anxiety in general, and feel more healthy, but I still feel the urge sometimes and wonder why I even started in the first place. I heavily romanticize drinking still, miss having a beer on the beach, and am wondering if I'll be sad that I didn't since we only have another month and a bit of beach weather where I'm at in Canada. I know that I don't want to have a little bit, I want to have multiple and will feel terrible the next day, but still somehow think it's a good idea lol.

No real point to this post, just wanted to vent a bit since I have no one to talk to about these things with.
Hey man, you vent all you need
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Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life.
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08-23-2024, 09:31 AM
Originally Posted By Joeyw88
Damn congrats on over 1200 days! Do you have any suggestions or advice that helped you?

It may sound corny but I just want to make it long enough to see my kids succeed and then some. I focused on that and what I needed to do to make the much needed change, I haven't alienated the people who I used to hang out with as a matter of fact I went to see Smashing pumpkins the other nite with a buddy who isn't fully on the wagon and I had no desire to drink. I kept hydrated and enjoyed the show.
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08-26-2024, 12:06 PM
Got my first year of sobriety last Saturday the 17th.

Was humbling to see what happened over the past year. Lost my job, went to rehab, took an 80% paycut working a rough job second shift for 6 months while applying to other jobs. Several final round interviews, finally landing a great career job.

Mental health is great and overall happy with life.

Got to enjoy the day back on the rugby field for the first time in 5 years, socializing and having fun doing something alcohol took from me. Relationships with close family members are great.

Bench press dropped from 405 to 135 in addiction, back up to 365 with about 5 months of consistent training.

One big thing I didn't anticipate is how much more peaceful life is.
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08-29-2024, 07:37 AM
Originally Posted By gtg
Guys, Today, I'm 1 year sober now. Last year, on this day I was heavily jaundiced and saw my family members were crying. I vowed to never touch alcohol again. I know sober life is boring but on alcohol it is 10x hard. So, stay sober my friends. You have only one liver and it is beast organ.
Good job, brah. That’s a milestone for sure.
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09-03-2024, 09:46 AM
Hope y'all are still doing good and if you're not it's cool, just get back on that horse and keep going.
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09-07-2024, 08:06 PM
Originally Posted By bezarker
It may sound corny but I just want to make it long enough to see my kids succeed and then some. I focused on that and what I needed to do to make the much needed change, I haven't alienated the people who I used to hang out with as a matter of fact I went to see Smashing pumpkins the other nite with a buddy who isn't fully on the wagon and I had no desire to drink. I kept hydrated and enjoyed the show.
I don't think that sounds corny at all! That is definitely a great reason to get your **** together and stay sober! I'm glad you are able to continue socializing with your friends and be able to be strong in your recovery!

Originally Posted By Arem24
Got my first year of sobriety last Saturday the 17th.

Was humbling to see what happened over the past year. Lost my job, went to rehab, took an 80% paycut working a rough job second shift for 6 months while applying to other jobs. Several final round interviews, finally landing a great career job.

Mental health is great and overall happy with life.

Got to enjoy the day back on the rugby field for the first time in 5 years, socializing and having fun doing something alcohol took from me. Relationships with close family members are great.

Bench press dropped from 405 to 135 in addiction, back up to 365 with about 5 months of consistent training.

One big thing I didn't anticipate is how much more peaceful life is.
Congrats on over a year of sobriety! It sounds like you have been through a lot! I'm glad that you are having so many victories in your life as a result of being in recovery. That is fantastic progress with your fitness!
Miscer in recovery: clean date 03/30/22

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09-11-2024, 01:49 AM
Haven't had any alcohol in 26 hours. Hoping to hold off till my birthday.
I'm not here for rage. I'm here for revenge!
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  1. FrankCostanza
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09-13-2024, 05:42 PM
^^^ I can't seem to quote, but nice work on the 26 hours! How has it been? When is your birthday?
Miscer in recovery: clean date 03/30/22

“The opposite of addiction isn't sobriety, it is connection" - Johann Hari

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09-14-2024, 01:26 AM
The quote function seems to be ****ed up. Did bb com hire too many DEI hires lately?

My mom's not well. I'm preparing for the worst. The woman I'm in love with is bipolar and unmedicated. She brings her former in law aunt around who peeping tommed me while looking like a male mechanic with man boobs and a turtle face. Every time I see that bitch I feel the need to drink and she's been around me for over a month straight.

My mom was great when you factor in my abusive dad. She did the best occured. If course menopause turned her into kinda a jerk but rn she's been lovely. Sadly the last2 times went to visit she's been sleepy and out of it.


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I'm not here for rage. I'm here for revenge!
Anti Covid VAX Superhero
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