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11-08-2016, 08:31 AM
Originally Posted By VTheKing
hope all of you brahs managed to sneak in that last second climb

started off ranked as silver 5 in S5, got Gold 5 then, peaked at Plat 3 way back in April then I sort of stopped giving a **** so I finished this season in my Plat 4 promos. tryhard for diamond dream next season?
Gold 5 for life crew… anytime i hit gold i stop trying hard and start playing champs that i normally dont play. For me its just not worth trying too hard just to get a different color banner.
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11-08-2016, 08:49 AM
Originally Posted By Weezy32
Gold 5 for life crew… anytime i hit gold i stop trying hard and start playing champs that i normally dont play. For me its just not worth trying too hard just to get a different color banner.
I climbed to G3 pretty quick and then stopped giving a damn because Gold is all you need for the end of season rewards lol. I mostly just play the rotating game modes and ARAM's here and there between studying and on weekends.
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11-08-2016, 10:33 AM
friend that was plat 2 last season never did promos til 2 days ago. He hasn't played for over 4 months and went 0-6 for his promos. He asked me to play for him. Final promo results are 3 wins, 7 losses lol. Placed in gold 4

Going from plat 2 -> gold 4. feelsbadman
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11-08-2016, 01:44 PM
that new legendary skin for lux…. hnnnnnnnnnnnng…. might actually fork up the cash for it when it comes out.
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11-08-2016, 03:32 PM
Forgot this game even existed im so burned out on it. I haven't played in atleast 2 or 3 months. Weird how an obsession becomes completely uninteresting.
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11-08-2016, 03:35 PM
Originally Posted By LordBroski
that new legendary skin for lux…. hnnnnnnnnnnnng…. might actually fork up the cash for it when it comes out.
will fork lux in my sleep
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11-08-2016, 03:39 PM
Originally Posted By VTheKing
will fork lux in my sleep
fkin lux lol

I was full build 20 stacks on mejais and all I had to do was press R and I could kill enemy ADC, literally 1 shot, but I was level 18 they were level 15 at the time
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11-09-2016, 01:52 PM
Aware me on which assassin reworks are good.

Just from looking at them, looks like Talon and Rengar will be the only ones worth playing. LB looks like trash, kat looks useless unless you're faker with challenger mechanics.
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11-09-2016, 02:25 PM
Originally Posted By NillaWafer
Aware me on which assassin reworks are good.

Just from looking at them, looks like Talon and Rengar will be the only ones worth playing. LB looks like trash, kat looks useless unless you're faker with challenger mechanics.
can anybody explain to me why they changed the look of talons ultimate? it looks so cartoony and chity now, same with his W
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11-09-2016, 07:05 PM
Hi guys

This preseason placement thing is weird. Plat 5 last season if any ADC needs a competent support
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11-09-2016, 08:04 PM
Originally Posted By Purfected
can anybody explain to me why they changed the look of talons ultimate? it looks so cartoony and chity now, same with his W
im not liking this change either. feels clunky

but his q being a gap closer and does dmg on a 3 sec cd. so broken
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11-10-2016, 06:08 AM
Looks like Talon does a lot of DMG just not as quick as he used to. Heres Faker dad dicking a Xerath with him

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11-10-2016, 06:17 AM
I played some of the reworks yesterday.

LB is confirmed trash. Her mechanics are so clunky and awful and she doesn't even feel like an assassin. It's a typical riot rework, take away good mechanics and replace it with meaningless burst.

Kat is… different. I don't have a good read on her yet, but the lack of wave clear and her abysmal lane phase leads me to believe she isn't very good. I've had the most fun playing her for sure.

I haven't played talon, but I've played against a lot of them. His roam is really strong, his laning doesn't seem that great. If you push him into the turret 24/7, he's useless.

Rengar has more burst for some reason. Seems to be the one broken champ.

Others aren't really worth mentioning because the changes are too small to be impactful. Haven't tried khaz yet, but he might be ok.
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11-10-2016, 08:10 AM
WTF is this new rank games. I get placed with kids way out of my League
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11-11-2016, 10:51 PM
Originally Posted By mixxel
WTF is this new rank games. I get placed with kids way out of my League
I tried flex-queue, what an absolute joke. Me being plat 4 gets to lane against another plat 4, fine. Then we have 2 silvers (mid and support), a plat5 adc, and then.. A bronze 3 jungle. The other team had 1 plat, 4 mid gold players.

Now obviously there is just no carrying a bronze Yi in a game like this. He went 1-15, the funny thing is we almost won but my team potatoed and fought 4v5 when I was splitting (trynd life), I almost ended the game so if they had just not all died so fast we wouldve won.

Ok now I'm just being salty but my point is fuk flexqueue seems legit garbage, I've seen challanger streamers playing against gold players etc just seems dumb as fuk.

Now onto a true rant:

When are Rito gonna stop ruining the game for no reason?????????????

Ok, so this preseason they removed a stat, added another stat, reworked the jungle with the stupid plants, and reworked a significant percentage of the champions. Why? I can't seem to understand their reasoning, it seems pretty weak. They felt armpen was too snowbally? And they felt assasins were..? what exactly? I have no idea. And this is the 3rd preseason I have to deal with this bullchit. I used to main Vlad and Graves, and they ruined both those champs. Or, obviously Graves is a pretty successful rework but he didn't need a rework in the first place. Vladimir is jsut straight up garbage, actually laughable that pro teams even bothered picking him, but I guess he had his niche in progames as a counterpick and what not. In soloq he is true dogchit. They keep reworking champs for no reason. I get the poppy and Sion rework, definitely. I do not get the assasin reworks, they seem so unecessary and forced. The constant change to vision - vision was fine in S4, I have no idea what they are doing. They keep changing thing for changes sake and I believe it will kill the game in the long run. Personally I wish they just rolled it all back to S4 meta and let it evolve naturally from there (obviously still doing balance changes and releasing new champs, but thats about it).

I know many people who have jsut quit the game because its so inconsistent, and a larger, worrying trend is the fact that they are making it so extremely teamplay focused. SoloQ won't feel fun or rewarding if this keeps going. Back in the day, if you destroyed your lane opponent you could actually CARRY a game. Now, you are at the mercy of your team no matter what. You will never get a bigger lead than 3lvl even if you murder your lane opponent over and over again and you're up by 60+ cs. They get too much bonus XP just by being behind. People are grouping up at 10 minutes, objectives are anti snowball (elemental dragons vs gold dragons), towers are harder to take (with bonus for FB tower, so any smart jungler just hard camps a lane and gets fb turret then never touches the lane again cause you won it). Again Rito has changed the mastery tree for seemingly no reason.

And all of this is just annoying as all hell. Flex queue is dumb, the assasin rework is dumb, the new items are dumb, I think the mage update and the ADC update was stupid as well. All these changes and nothing has actually done anything positive. I mean don't get me wrong, some rito changes have been positive, definitely. But the meta forcing changes are just so dumb and I don't understand why they keep messing with their game.

But my real gripe is that the league community does not only feel that all of this is fine - they encourage it! Random reworks and changes? "Wow! Exciting! This is gonna be soooooo coool xD" If you ask why the hell rito keeps doing this, they say that if Riot didnt change the game for changes sake, it would be long dead - which is probably the dumbest argument I've ever heard. I think league is a great game and I hope it stays popular, but I think slowly but surely they will drive away new competitive talent because people who like competitive games want to feel they have an impact on how the game ends, and not at the mercy of their oftentimes retarded teammates.
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11-11-2016, 11:58 PM

Lethality is a good change. Flat arpen has the problem of being early-game oriented because nearly all champions grow more armor than what you can stack with armor penetration, so to make the stat useful it had to be tuned to be strong early-mid game. So they made it a scaling stat so that AD assassins/casters don't stomp too hard when they're ahead early but if it's late game their itemization is stronger.

Champions like Talon and Kat definitively needed a rework. Talon for being one-dimensional as ****, stomping hard in certain matchups but completely useless in others with little wiggle room for outplay. And Kat for being a retarded button-smashing champion.

To an extent yeah, other things they change just to change like removing smite buffs and adding plants. But overall I think they've done a really good job updating champion kits from **** you would never play unless OP to stuff you actually want to get a hang of.

E: pretty sure Flex Q is broken though. think they punish premades way too hard, making a 5-stack of goldies run into solo diamonds and stuff
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11-12-2016, 08:27 AM
Originally Posted By VTheKing

Lethality is a good change. Flat arpen has the problem of being early-game oriented because nearly all champions grow more armor than what you can stack with armor penetration, so to make the stat useful it had to be tuned to be strong early-mid game. So they made it a scaling stat so that AD assassins/casters don't stomp too hard when they're ahead early but if it's late game their itemization is stronger.

Champions like Talon and Kat definitively needed a rework. Talon for being one-dimensional as ****, stomping hard in certain matchups but completely useless in others with little wiggle room for outplay. And Kat for being a retarded button-smashing champion.

To an extent yeah, other things they change just to change like removing smite buffs and adding plants. But overall I think they've done a really good job updating champion kits from **** you would never play unless OP to stuff you actually want to get a hang of.

E: pretty sure Flex Q is broken though. think they punish premades way too hard, making a 5-stack of goldies run into solo diamonds and stuff
I'm not convinced these changes are that great. Some of the mechanics like Kat's daggers and Talon's parkour are cool, but the rest? Meh.

I would have liked to seen mechanics that actually feel like you are outplaying when you go for the kill on the squishies and the backline. I only get that feeling on Kat because her dagger placement and the use of shunpo is really skill reliant.

Everyone else hasn't changed. All riot did was increase assassin's damage output through direct number buffs and better itemization, but they did it under the guise of new mechanics and minor changes.

But then again, that's what Riot does for every class rework.
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11-12-2016, 09:22 AM
Originally Posted By Horizon92
I tried flex-queue, what an absolute joke. Me being plat 4 gets to lane against another plat 4, fine. Then we have 2 silvers (mid and support), a plat5 adc, and then.. A bronze 3 jungle. The other team had 1 plat, 4 mid gold players.

Now obviously there is just no carrying a bronze Yi in a game like this. He went 1-15, the funny thing is we almost won but my team potatoed and fought 4v5 when I was splitting (trynd life), I almost ended the game so if they had just not all died so fast we wouldve won.

Ok now I'm just being salty but my point is fuk flexqueue seems legit garbage, I've seen challanger streamers playing against gold players etc just seems dumb as fuk.

Now onto a true rant:

When are Rito gonna stop ruining the game for no reason?????????????

Ok, so this preseason they removed a stat, added another stat, reworked the jungle with the stupid plants, and reworked a significant percentage of the champions. Why? I can't seem to understand their reasoning, it seems pretty weak. They felt armpen was too snowbally? And they felt assasins were..? what exactly? I have no idea. And this is the 3rd preseason I have to deal with this bullchit. I used to main Vlad and Graves, and they ruined both those champs. Or, obviously Graves is a pretty successful rework but he didn't need a rework in the first place. Vladimir is jsut straight up garbage, actually laughable that pro teams even bothered picking him, but I guess he had his niche in progames as a counterpick and what not. In soloq he is true dogchit. They keep reworking champs for no reason. I get the poppy and Sion rework, definitely. I do not get the assasin reworks, they seem so unecessary and forced. The constant change to vision - vision was fine in S4, I have no idea what they are doing. They keep changing thing for changes sake and I believe it will kill the game in the long run. Personally I wish they just rolled it all back to S4 meta and let it evolve naturally from there (obviously still doing balance changes and releasing new champs, but thats about it).

I know many people who have jsut quit the game because its so inconsistent, and a larger, worrying trend is the fact that they are making it so extremely teamplay focused. SoloQ won't feel fun or rewarding if this keeps going. Back in the day, if you destroyed your lane opponent you could actually CARRY a game. Now, you are at the mercy of your team no matter what. You will never get a bigger lead than 3lvl even if you murder your lane opponent over and over again and you're up by 60+ cs. They get too much bonus XP just by being behind. People are grouping up at 10 minutes, objectives are anti snowball (elemental dragons vs gold dragons), towers are harder to take (with bonus for FB tower, so any smart jungler just hard camps a lane and gets fb turret then never touches the lane again cause you won it). Again Rito has changed the mastery tree for seemingly no reason.

And all of this is just annoying as all hell. Flex queue is dumb, the assasin rework is dumb, the new items are dumb, I think the mage update and the ADC update was stupid as well. All these changes and nothing has actually done anything positive. I mean don't get me wrong, some rito changes have been positive, definitely. But the meta forcing changes are just so dumb and I don't understand why they keep messing with their game.

But my real gripe is that the league community does not only feel that all of this is fine - they encourage it! Random reworks and changes? "Wow! Exciting! This is gonna be soooooo coool xD" If you ask why the hell rito keeps doing this, they say that if Riot didnt change the game for changes sake, it would be long dead - which is probably the dumbest argument I've ever heard. I think league is a great game and I hope it stays popular, but I think slowly but surely they will drive away new competitive talent because people who like competitive games want to feel they have an impact on how the game ends, and not at the mercy of their oftentimes retarded teammates.
I agree with a lot of this.

There are a lot of champs that desperately need reworks, but they get thrown to the side. Look at champs like fiddle, teemo, rammus, galio, aatrox, urgot and warwick. God these champs are all awful from fundamental design flaws. Riot has proven with fiora, poppy, sion, and taric that they can do really good champion reworks. Why is it taking so long for them to change these champs? They haven't been good in YEARS. Entire seasons they haven't seen a single click of play. And if you do pick them, it's almost an insta-loss because of how bad they are.

I'd much rather riot focus their rework energy on fixing these garbage champs instead of focusing on an entire class. Like you said, the champions they do decide to change don't really need changes. Minor changes to quality of life through itemization and fixing clunky mechanics are all they need. Leblanc's core mechanics were fine. Why did she need a total rework to her kit (which has almost ruined her btw)? Why are we introducing clunky mechanics to talon for no reason? Why did zed get the same treatment awhile ago? These champs aren't bad, just out of meta because of changes to itemization. Their changes don't fix clunky and bad mechanics, they introduce clunky and bad mechanics.

Forced meta changes are bad for the game itself. Let the game evolve naturally. On its own. It's better for everyone that way.
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11-12-2016, 01:21 PM
one of the first people in d5 flex

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11-12-2016, 02:23 PM
anyone up to succfeeding as a 5-man premade in flex? get to bronze 5 then do whatever the **** we want LOL let me know if you're down
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11-12-2016, 08:59 PM
Originally Posted By Horizon92
I tried flex-queue, what an absolute joke. Me being plat 4 gets to lane against another plat 4, fine. Then we have 2 silvers (mid and support), a plat5 adc, and then.. A bronze 3 jungle. The other team had 1 plat, 4 mid gold players.

Now obviously there is just no carrying a bronze Yi in a game like this. He went 1-15, the funny thing is we almost won but my team potatoed and fought 4v5 when I was splitting (trynd life), I almost ended the game so if they had just not all died so fast we wouldve won.

Ok now I'm just being salty but my point is fuk flexqueue seems legit garbage, I've seen challanger streamers playing against gold players etc just seems dumb as fuk.

Now onto a true rant:

When are Rito gonna stop ruining the game for no reason?????????????

Ok, so this preseason they removed a stat, added another stat, reworked the jungle with the stupid plants, and reworked a significant percentage of the champions. Why? I can't seem to understand their reasoning, it seems pretty weak. They felt armpen was too snowbally? And they felt assasins were..? what exactly? I have no idea. And this is the 3rd preseason I have to deal with this bullchit. I used to main Vlad and Graves, and they ruined both those champs. Or, obviously Graves is a pretty successful rework but he didn't need a rework in the first place. Vladimir is jsut straight up garbage, actually laughable that pro teams even bothered picking him, but I guess he had his niche in progames as a counterpick and what not. In soloq he is true dogchit. They keep reworking champs for no reason. I get the poppy and Sion rework, definitely. I do not get the assasin reworks, they seem so unecessary and forced. The constant change to vision - vision was fine in S4, I have no idea what they are doing. They keep changing thing for changes sake and I believe it will kill the game in the long run. Personally I wish they just rolled it all back to S4 meta and let it evolve naturally from there (obviously still doing balance changes and releasing new champs, but thats about it).

I know many people who have jsut quit the game because its so inconsistent, and a larger, worrying trend is the fact that they are making it so extremely teamplay focused. SoloQ won't feel fun or rewarding if this keeps going. Back in the day, if you destroyed your lane opponent you could actually CARRY a game. Now, you are at the mercy of your team no matter what. You will never get a bigger lead than 3lvl even if you murder your lane opponent over and over again and you're up by 60+ cs. They get too much bonus XP just by being behind. People are grouping up at 10 minutes, objectives are anti snowball (elemental dragons vs gold dragons), towers are harder to take (with bonus for FB tower, so any smart jungler just hard camps a lane and gets fb turret then never touches the lane again cause you won it). Again Rito has changed the mastery tree for seemingly no reason.

And all of this is just annoying as all hell. Flex queue is dumb, the assasin rework is dumb, the new items are dumb, I think the mage update and the ADC update was stupid as well. All these changes and nothing has actually done anything positive. I mean don't get me wrong, some rito changes have been positive, definitely. But the meta forcing changes are just so dumb and I don't understand why they keep messing with their game.

But my real gripe is that the league community does not only feel that all of this is fine - they encourage it! Random reworks and changes? "Wow! Exciting! This is gonna be soooooo coool xD" If you ask why the hell rito keeps doing this, they say that if Riot didnt change the game for changes sake, it would be long dead - which is probably the dumbest argument I've ever heard. I think league is a great game and I hope it stays popular, but I think slowly but surely they will drive away new competitive talent because people who like competitive games want to feel they have an impact on how the game ends, and not at the mercy of their oftentimes retarded teammates.
yeap I agree. I hate most of the new item itemization

as a former ADC main I despised the ADC reworks for season 6

these assassin reworks are not needed at all. and just as you say, most of the time it just makes the champion feel clunky
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11-12-2016, 09:06 PM
Originally Posted By Purfected
yeap I agree. I hate most of the new item itemization

as a former ADC main I despised the ADC reworks for season 6

these assassin reworks are not needed at all. and just as you say, most of the time it just makes the champion feel clunky
Mane it feels good to be among non-retards again (been a reddit **** lately pls forgive me)

I was an ADC main before as well, swapped to top because thats about the only lane where skill is rewarded any more, I mean..

Jungle: Granted, strong role but not kinda PvE / dependant on laners, can't really outplay unless playing invade heavy

ADC: Useless role early game, you are dependent on your support and extremely weak, TP meta and gangbangs ruin everything, not impactful until lategame

Mid: Impactful roaming and snowballing, however with the meta being group 5 mid @ 10 minutes you get insanely fuked if the other lanes gets behind

Support: Strong during lane but rest of the game = LUL

Top: You generally at worst only play 1v2 vs enemy toplaner and jungler. Get familiar with matchups and you can destroy and snowball

As for metachanges, Riot keeps nerfing snowball and single player impact, which is so god damn frustrating. Back in the day you would get an advantage in lane, buy BT and stack it, boom 100 AD and insane lifesteal, you could pressure bot turret and force dragons, further snowballing the game. Now? You are at your teams mercy 100%. Previously if you trashed your lane you legit made the game 5v4 or 5v3 (if botlane) because advantages meant so much. Now, laning is basically whatever. Your opponents will easily catch up in levels and be able to fight you, if their jungler pressure you, you have to play like a bish and let them catch up. So dumb.
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11-13-2016, 02:09 AM
Originally Posted By Horizon92
Mane it feels good to be among non-retards again (been a reddit **** lately pls forgive me)

I was an ADC main before as well, swapped to top because thats about the only lane where skill is rewarded any more, I mean..

Jungle: Granted, strong role but not kinda PvE / dependant on laners, can't really outplay unless playing invade heavy

ADC: Useless role early game, you are dependent on your support and extremely weak, TP meta and gangbangs ruin everything, not impactful until lategame

Mid: Impactful roaming and snowballing, however with the meta being group 5 mid @ 10 minutes you get insanely fuked if the other lanes gets behind

Support: Strong during lane but rest of the game = LUL

Top: You generally at worst only play 1v2 vs enemy toplaner and jungler. Get familiar with matchups and you can destroy and snowball

As for metachanges, Riot keeps nerfing snowball and single player impact, which is so god damn frustrating. Back in the day you would get an advantage in lane, buy BT and stack it, boom 100 AD and insane lifesteal, you could pressure bot turret and force dragons, further snowballing the game. Now? You are at your teams mercy 100%. Previously if you trashed your lane you legit made the game 5v4 or 5v3 (if botlane) because advantages meant so much. Now, laning is basically whatever. Your opponents will easily catch up in levels and be able to fight you, if their jungler pressure you, you have to play like a bish and let them catch up. So dumb.
Agree 100%

ADC Draven main here and i feel absolutely useless. Had a game where i had a ping spiked when a janna went in so she got 1v2d, got tilted and left me alone in lane to get dived,

when ^this doesnt happen im always getting camped by their jg or mid laners,

before with youumus rush and the armor pen + att speed active right into merc scimitar which has Magic resist/life steal, and qss for CC there was so much insane outplay potential, I could actually carry games as ADC because of those early rushed items,

Now i have to go build like a typical adc with IE rush into phantom dancer into BT which is super weak because of no armor pen, and u are basically dead if you get CCed since you dont have QSS until like 3rd-4th item.

i used to stand a chance against junglers and top laners but now its basically impossible. they just need to build ninja tabi and im useless.

fuk this game.
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11-13-2016, 06:01 AM
support crew, where are my support or quit brahs
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11-13-2016, 03:21 PM
Haven't played LoL in a month. How is the assassin rework? I hear Rengar is absolutely busted.
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11-13-2016, 04:09 PM
Don't understand why they gutted the **** out of Youmuus
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11-13-2016, 04:24 PM
Originally Posted By Weezy32
So at that point we are still in the game and we are still winning lanes but at some point they decide to group so i ask ez to group w us please and… HE IGNORES me asking him 3-4 times and just keeps farming while they are legit diving us at turrets. FINALLY after we are down like 15 kills this guy decides he is ready to group and at that point its clearly late we are getting crushed in team fights and frankly at that point i am raging so hard at that ez that i just int and go afk farm bot lane while they pushed mid. That fukkin ez didnt deserve to win…. that game i started out 5-0 before that dragon death.
witnessed this so many games. it's unreal
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11-13-2016, 09:57 PM
deranked as 5 on gold IV account (0-10), bronze 3 in flex.

went 5-5 on plat V main account, bronze 1 in flex.

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11-14-2016, 02:15 AM
got my 11th account permanently banned today

have probably spent around $700 on xp/ip boosts alone grinding to 30 every time

think its time to uninstall tbh

game is way too sensitive, i remember back when trash talking was a part of gaming community in COD 4 halo 3 etc.

no everyone is a sensitive pussy special snowflake that cant handle mean words from strangers online so they report

fuk this game
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11-14-2016, 02:36 AM
Originally Posted By Theboy314
got my 11th account permanently banned today

have probably spent around $700 on xp/ip boosts alone grinding to 30 every time

think its time to uninstall tbh

game is way too sensitive, i remember back when trash talking was a part of gaming community in COD 4 halo 3 etc.

no everyone is a sensitive pussy special snowflake that cant handle mean words from strangers online so they report

fuk this game

i have no idea what you do., but whenever i kill my lane oppenent, i yell "suk my fukn dik" in all chat almost every single game, and i continue with similar barrages of insults for the rest of the game.

i used to get suspensions once in a while, but i dont even think i've gotten that in the last year. I'll get that "chat ban" every so often.

to be honest i dont even care. half the fun of video games is talking ****, and if they ban me so be it. I never report people on the game either, even if it's a monster flame war. It's too funny, but i know a lot of people get legit butthurt.
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