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» Official League of Legends Thread: Trolls and AFK's Galore PART II
08-10-2017, 11:02 AM
Originally Posted By andres93⏩
probably right, just don't know any better. Though i hear about so much afk'ing in ranked.
5 extra minutes for a smaller % chance of troll picks and and a 100x % higher chance of tilted teammates
Originally Posted By EvilCulprit⏩
My comfort level is pretty solid because I'm m7 on 3 different champs (all different lanes) but my only worry was getting banned and having to choose someone I"m not good with. I need to learn another mid champ, for one. I'm decent with Zed but he's got a couple hard counters in midlane that I hate dealing with.
Yeah I remember the days where i used to get soo nervous playing ranked lol. But now I don't really give a ****. I think I got placed in Bronze 1 or silver 5, not sure, ended up finishing the season on S2, wasn't really aiming for Gold as I didn't think I deserved it.
I am now in Gold 4, didn't grind that much, I believe if I did, I would have been Plat. We still have about 2 months to go, so maybe I'll get there before it ends lol
Currently on S1 on Flex, want to get Gold there too for dat dere double rewards.
I am now in Gold 4, didn't grind that much, I believe if I did, I would have been Plat. We still have about 2 months to go, so maybe I'll get there before it ends lol
Currently on S1 on Flex, want to get Gold there too for dat dere double rewards.
fwiw I"ve only been playing 3 or so months
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- CaliSuperSport
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08-10-2017, 11:46 AM
Originally Posted By CaliSuperSport⏩
if you learn the basic and even medial level concepts of how to CS, trade. ward and checking your mini map you'll be better off than someone who is technically better than you on any certain champ. Ideally yes you want to be best at a few champs but someone who understands when to trade, how to manipulate the wave, when a gank might happen is in a better situation than someone who is better at a certain champ. That's why its better to learn mechanically "easy" champs early on so you can concentrate on macro play then after that you can hone your skills on more intense mechanic champs. So champs like Annie, Pantheon, Brand, Cho, Malz etc… The more point/click champs are better to learn the game on rather than big play champs like LB, Yas, AS, Zed, etc.. where you have to pay more attention to your mechanics than the actual state of the game. Guess what I'm saying is if you learn how to win on a macro level then you don't have to worry too much about if you have to play a champ you are kind of unfamiliar with.
probably right, just don't know any better. Though i hear about so much afk'ing in ranked.
My comfort level is pretty solid because I'm m7 on 3 different champs (all different lanes) but my only worry was getting banned and having to choose someone I"m not good with. I need to learn another mid champ, for one. I'm decent with Zed but he's got a couple hard counters in midlane that I hate dealing with.
fwiw I"ve only been playing 3 or so months
My comfort level is pretty solid because I'm m7 on 3 different champs (all different lanes) but my only worry was getting banned and having to choose someone I"m not good with. I need to learn another mid champ, for one. I'm decent with Zed but he's got a couple hard counters in midlane that I hate dealing with.
fwiw I"ve only been playing 3 or so months
hard to hate on a fellow wings fan but….
i need to cut… badly.
08-10-2017, 12:05 PM
Background/Useless info
Hello. I've been wanting to write down my thoughts on the game and how to win from toplane. I am not a particularly high level player - I lack the required experience and playtime - I have however, been very high level in other games (counter strike, scbw, sc2) and feel I have some good understanding of the basics, and hopefully this guide can help someone to understand how to win games in ranked soloq. This is my first "guide", and as such, formatting is probably not gonna be optimal, however I will try to keep it decently organized.
English is NOT my first language, so if something seems a bit "off" in my wording, thats to be expected. My english is pretty decent but I think any native speaker might react to how I write some things. Hopefully it isn't an hinderance to my message.
What this guide will be adressing:
- Toplane specific play patterns
- Wave management
- The toplane role and its impact on the team
- Lots of random tidbits that pop into my head, that I might just touch lightly upon, or perhaps elaborate
- How to improve as a player
- Mentality
- What this guide will NOT be adressing:
- Champion specific tips (I will make examples, however)
- Builds
- A lot of other stuff
- What is a toplaner?
Toplane is a role with a lot of diversity. You will find bruisers, tanks, mages, glasscannon carries. For me, I divide toplane into two different "roles".
Groupers, and splitters.
Some groupers can split, some splitters can group, but understanding what your champion does best, and in what situations you should group and what you should split is important. There are so many factors going into this, but the most important things you need to ask yourself is:
Is my champion strongest if I group or split? (Tryndamere vs Kennen, both can split, only one can really group effectively, or perhaps Maokai, not a great splitpusher by any stretch of the imagination, but an amazing teamfighter)
Do I take TP or combat summoners? Some champions can take either, others really should only bring TP (Maokai, Poppy, Shen). Basically, if your contribution to teamfights is greater than your splitpush threat, 1v1 or snowball strength, you take TP. Or perhaps if you need the safety of TP for the free back and "free" wave management (Nasus for instance). This is also very playstyle dependant. TP is definitely the stronger summoner, however if you feel uncomfortable with your TP ganks, or if your TP ganks just sucks and you don't feel you need the free back, why go TP when you could snowball with ignite or outduel with exhaust, or perhaps use the utility of flash+ghost to strengthen your presence later in the game.
Something to consider in champion select is, do your team need a tank? AD? AP? CC? I definitely recommend having some variety in your champion pool so you can change your pick depending on what your team needs. I believe you should judge based on this: CC>AD/AP>Tank. I don't feel tanks are as necessary as reliable CC and a mixture of damage. I personally only play AD champions with almost no CC, so normally you'll be fine either way - but some games can be won or lost on these things, so definitely something to consider.
Toplane champion pool?
OK, so a lot of people on this subreddit seems to be lacking a proper champion pool. They either play a bit of everything, or they switch champions every other week, feeling as if there is one true champion to be playing. Obviously over time, we'd like to put more and more champions into our champion pool, but that is over time. Its important to understand that just because you know a couple of matchups, builds and feel somewhat comfortable on a champ, that champion isn't necessarily actually in your champion pool.
I like to define a champion in your champion pool as a champion where you:
Know all normal matchups (its fine if you don't know the intricacies of Irelia vs Urgot top, since you can't expect to play that matchup too much)
Know how to build them depending on the game, i.e not just playing one size fits-all build every time, not able to adapt to the game
Truly understand the champions role, and how to carry with this champ mid/lategame
Know all the little "tricks" to the normal matchups. An example being how you trade with Tryndamere vs Riven post level 2, or how to trade as Jayce vs Renekton when he jumps on you. Those kind of things.
So, how big should your pool be? How big is it right now? My personal recommendation is a maximum of 3 champions if you're still learning the game. The simple logic behind this is
The less champions you are playing, the more time you get on each champions, achieving a higher mastery on those champions, which allows you to actually learn the game. If you go into each game spending all your thinking on how to play the 1v1 in the lane, or how to solve situations later in the game (flank? engage? kite? ult this guy or that guy?), you can't focus on the bigger, game winning things like decision making. Or watching the minimap in laning etc.
The Toplane 1v1(v2v3)
This is probably the most important aspect to climbing if you are still relatively "low" elo. A lot of lower elo players have decent laning phases, but your goal should be to always play your lane almost perfectly. You need to know all your matchups, so things like:
Do I all in early?
Do I push?
Do I let him push me in?
When do I spike? (item/level)
How do I manage the lane in this specific matchup to my advantage?
You absolutely need to know these things, because this is how you beat your lane opponent. Knowledge. Sure, sometimes you might make a crazy situation specific outplay with insane reaction times and perfect risk assesment, but normally laning phase is just pure brains.
I'll give you an example (I main Tryndamere/Renekton). Tryndamere vs Riven is a matchup I play quite often, and I notice most Rivens make the same damn mistake almost every game. They often make many mistakes, but this is #1:
The Riven doesn't know when she wins, and when she loses. Tryndamere wins lvl 1-2, but after level 3, Riven wins (if played correctly). A lot of Rivens are used to out-trading or just straight up all inning players lvl 1-2, so when they get killed this early they just throw the lane out of the window. Once they realize they are playing a winning matchup from lvl 3, they are too focused on "getting me back", looking to get a kill on me when this isn't really how the matchup works - Riven needs to focus on wave management, denying cs by zoning and roaming once the lane shoves in. But since a lot of the Rivens I face doesn't understand this, they end up feeding me lvl 1-2, letting me free farm (I run up, grab a minion, she blows all her **** trying to kill me and I just spin out and Q heal - and she shoves the lane into me quicker giving me more cs than I should get) when what she should be doing is simply standing aggressive, feint her all in with Q or W, bait my spin and go back to zoning/slow pushing).
Basically my point is, you need to know all this stuff for all the matchups you normally play, so that you're always one step ahead of your lane opponent. If you go into every game with this advantage, odds are your winrate will skyrocket, even if you make plenty of mistakes elsewhere.
Now, lets talk about wave management. Most of you have probably heard of it, some of you might not have, and some of you might actually understand it.
A quick rundown:
Wave management is manipulating the wave in a way that favors you
To understand wavemanagement, all you need to understand is where the wave is pushing too, or if its freezed, and how to maintain that freeze
An example would be, a player is slowpushing into you, but you outrade/get a gank or whatever and your opponent needs to back. You manage to stop a big wave just outside your tower, and you are free to "trim" it, i.e killing enough so that there are 4 minions left in excess. This way, you can freeze the lane (it won't push out for a while) by only last hitting, forcing your opponent to lose a ton of CS that dies to his wave, and force him to overextend once he comes back to lane, making him susceptible to ganks, and if you are stronger than him, make so that you can zone him away from the wave and force him to miss a lot of CS (maybe even XP).
The closer to your minions spawning point, the more minions it takes to freeze. So if you wish to freeze a lane just on your side of the lane, it doesn't take 4, it might only take 2-3 minions in excess to freeze the lane. This information is also useful if you wish to set up a freeze if they take your tower early, forcing your enemy laner to steal jungle camps, roam or overextend to get cs and xp.
Staying safe from ganks, back timings etc
This point ties heavily into wave management. Understanding when a lane is pushing into you, and understanding how many enemy minions will die (if any) lets you assess if its worth walking up in the lane, warding your river /tri brush, or showing yourself alltogether. If you only miss 1 cs, its probably not worth the risk to facecheck river or tribrush to put down a ward, or walk up, take a huge chunk of damage just for that CS. Its better to just sit at your tower and let the wave come to you.
Another point, when it comes to staying safe to ganks, is to watch the minimap. This sounds quite obvious, and honestly it is, but I might mean it in a different way than you think. I don't buy control wards, basically ever. I use wave management and map awareness to stay safe from ganks, and I don't really but a big priority on keeping river warded at all. If you are highly pushed up, a ward won't help you if jungler or enemy laner has any form of CC. You should rather make sure that your time in the "danger zone" is as low as possible. We achieve this by slowpushing, and backing at the right timing.
Unless you are a ranged vs melee champ like Quinn vs Renekton or Teemo vs Darius, or perhaps Pantheon, its just not worth spending time trying to harass enemy under tower. Slowpush the wave (only last hit even if the wave is already pushing towards your enemy), so that you are safer for longer, and your enemy laner has to walk up for more cs, putting themselves in danger if you're ahead, or giving you a trading advantage if even/behind (you have more minions which will help you in the fight). Once the wave hits their tower, just back unless you are planning to dive (which you should only do if you know its safe, any jungler worth its salt will smell a dive coming and get to the lane if they can and attempt to stop your dive or punish you for it), you need to just back. Its just not worth attempting to harass enemy under tower.
Staying safe from an immediate gank isn't the only reason you should back. You will also not lose any minions if you back once your minions crashes into his tower, you will get items, and often times the enemy laner will overstay attempting to push in fast enough to make you lose minions, making him susceptible to an all in or gank. And if he backs (especially without TP), you get a chance to push it straight back into his tower making him lose CS and/or take his tower/chunk it. If you are making an attempt to push down their tower, stay safe. Odds are, someone will come to try to defend it, so if you're not sure if you can take it or not, just back and get it later, effectively drawing jungle pressure at no loss to you.
Hello. I've been wanting to write down my thoughts on the game and how to win from toplane. I am not a particularly high level player - I lack the required experience and playtime - I have however, been very high level in other games (counter strike, scbw, sc2) and feel I have some good understanding of the basics, and hopefully this guide can help someone to understand how to win games in ranked soloq. This is my first "guide", and as such, formatting is probably not gonna be optimal, however I will try to keep it decently organized.
English is NOT my first language, so if something seems a bit "off" in my wording, thats to be expected. My english is pretty decent but I think any native speaker might react to how I write some things. Hopefully it isn't an hinderance to my message.
What this guide will be adressing:
- Toplane specific play patterns
- Wave management
- The toplane role and its impact on the team
- Lots of random tidbits that pop into my head, that I might just touch lightly upon, or perhaps elaborate
- How to improve as a player
- Mentality
- What this guide will NOT be adressing:
- Champion specific tips (I will make examples, however)
- Builds
- A lot of other stuff
- What is a toplaner?
Toplane is a role with a lot of diversity. You will find bruisers, tanks, mages, glasscannon carries. For me, I divide toplane into two different "roles".
Groupers, and splitters.
Some groupers can split, some splitters can group, but understanding what your champion does best, and in what situations you should group and what you should split is important. There are so many factors going into this, but the most important things you need to ask yourself is:
Is my champion strongest if I group or split? (Tryndamere vs Kennen, both can split, only one can really group effectively, or perhaps Maokai, not a great splitpusher by any stretch of the imagination, but an amazing teamfighter)
Do I take TP or combat summoners? Some champions can take either, others really should only bring TP (Maokai, Poppy, Shen). Basically, if your contribution to teamfights is greater than your splitpush threat, 1v1 or snowball strength, you take TP. Or perhaps if you need the safety of TP for the free back and "free" wave management (Nasus for instance). This is also very playstyle dependant. TP is definitely the stronger summoner, however if you feel uncomfortable with your TP ganks, or if your TP ganks just sucks and you don't feel you need the free back, why go TP when you could snowball with ignite or outduel with exhaust, or perhaps use the utility of flash+ghost to strengthen your presence later in the game.
Something to consider in champion select is, do your team need a tank? AD? AP? CC? I definitely recommend having some variety in your champion pool so you can change your pick depending on what your team needs. I believe you should judge based on this: CC>AD/AP>Tank. I don't feel tanks are as necessary as reliable CC and a mixture of damage. I personally only play AD champions with almost no CC, so normally you'll be fine either way - but some games can be won or lost on these things, so definitely something to consider.
Toplane champion pool?
OK, so a lot of people on this subreddit seems to be lacking a proper champion pool. They either play a bit of everything, or they switch champions every other week, feeling as if there is one true champion to be playing. Obviously over time, we'd like to put more and more champions into our champion pool, but that is over time. Its important to understand that just because you know a couple of matchups, builds and feel somewhat comfortable on a champ, that champion isn't necessarily actually in your champion pool.
I like to define a champion in your champion pool as a champion where you:
Know all normal matchups (its fine if you don't know the intricacies of Irelia vs Urgot top, since you can't expect to play that matchup too much)
Know how to build them depending on the game, i.e not just playing one size fits-all build every time, not able to adapt to the game
Truly understand the champions role, and how to carry with this champ mid/lategame
Know all the little "tricks" to the normal matchups. An example being how you trade with Tryndamere vs Riven post level 2, or how to trade as Jayce vs Renekton when he jumps on you. Those kind of things.
So, how big should your pool be? How big is it right now? My personal recommendation is a maximum of 3 champions if you're still learning the game. The simple logic behind this is
The less champions you are playing, the more time you get on each champions, achieving a higher mastery on those champions, which allows you to actually learn the game. If you go into each game spending all your thinking on how to play the 1v1 in the lane, or how to solve situations later in the game (flank? engage? kite? ult this guy or that guy?), you can't focus on the bigger, game winning things like decision making. Or watching the minimap in laning etc.
The Toplane 1v1(v2v3)
This is probably the most important aspect to climbing if you are still relatively "low" elo. A lot of lower elo players have decent laning phases, but your goal should be to always play your lane almost perfectly. You need to know all your matchups, so things like:
Do I all in early?
Do I push?
Do I let him push me in?
When do I spike? (item/level)
How do I manage the lane in this specific matchup to my advantage?
You absolutely need to know these things, because this is how you beat your lane opponent. Knowledge. Sure, sometimes you might make a crazy situation specific outplay with insane reaction times and perfect risk assesment, but normally laning phase is just pure brains.
I'll give you an example (I main Tryndamere/Renekton). Tryndamere vs Riven is a matchup I play quite often, and I notice most Rivens make the same damn mistake almost every game. They often make many mistakes, but this is #1:
The Riven doesn't know when she wins, and when she loses. Tryndamere wins lvl 1-2, but after level 3, Riven wins (if played correctly). A lot of Rivens are used to out-trading or just straight up all inning players lvl 1-2, so when they get killed this early they just throw the lane out of the window. Once they realize they are playing a winning matchup from lvl 3, they are too focused on "getting me back", looking to get a kill on me when this isn't really how the matchup works - Riven needs to focus on wave management, denying cs by zoning and roaming once the lane shoves in. But since a lot of the Rivens I face doesn't understand this, they end up feeding me lvl 1-2, letting me free farm (I run up, grab a minion, she blows all her **** trying to kill me and I just spin out and Q heal - and she shoves the lane into me quicker giving me more cs than I should get) when what she should be doing is simply standing aggressive, feint her all in with Q or W, bait my spin and go back to zoning/slow pushing).
Basically my point is, you need to know all this stuff for all the matchups you normally play, so that you're always one step ahead of your lane opponent. If you go into every game with this advantage, odds are your winrate will skyrocket, even if you make plenty of mistakes elsewhere.
Now, lets talk about wave management. Most of you have probably heard of it, some of you might not have, and some of you might actually understand it.
A quick rundown:
Wave management is manipulating the wave in a way that favors you
To understand wavemanagement, all you need to understand is where the wave is pushing too, or if its freezed, and how to maintain that freeze
An example would be, a player is slowpushing into you, but you outrade/get a gank or whatever and your opponent needs to back. You manage to stop a big wave just outside your tower, and you are free to "trim" it, i.e killing enough so that there are 4 minions left in excess. This way, you can freeze the lane (it won't push out for a while) by only last hitting, forcing your opponent to lose a ton of CS that dies to his wave, and force him to overextend once he comes back to lane, making him susceptible to ganks, and if you are stronger than him, make so that you can zone him away from the wave and force him to miss a lot of CS (maybe even XP).
The closer to your minions spawning point, the more minions it takes to freeze. So if you wish to freeze a lane just on your side of the lane, it doesn't take 4, it might only take 2-3 minions in excess to freeze the lane. This information is also useful if you wish to set up a freeze if they take your tower early, forcing your enemy laner to steal jungle camps, roam or overextend to get cs and xp.
Staying safe from ganks, back timings etc
This point ties heavily into wave management. Understanding when a lane is pushing into you, and understanding how many enemy minions will die (if any) lets you assess if its worth walking up in the lane, warding your river /tri brush, or showing yourself alltogether. If you only miss 1 cs, its probably not worth the risk to facecheck river or tribrush to put down a ward, or walk up, take a huge chunk of damage just for that CS. Its better to just sit at your tower and let the wave come to you.
Another point, when it comes to staying safe to ganks, is to watch the minimap. This sounds quite obvious, and honestly it is, but I might mean it in a different way than you think. I don't buy control wards, basically ever. I use wave management and map awareness to stay safe from ganks, and I don't really but a big priority on keeping river warded at all. If you are highly pushed up, a ward won't help you if jungler or enemy laner has any form of CC. You should rather make sure that your time in the "danger zone" is as low as possible. We achieve this by slowpushing, and backing at the right timing.
Unless you are a ranged vs melee champ like Quinn vs Renekton or Teemo vs Darius, or perhaps Pantheon, its just not worth spending time trying to harass enemy under tower. Slowpush the wave (only last hit even if the wave is already pushing towards your enemy), so that you are safer for longer, and your enemy laner has to walk up for more cs, putting themselves in danger if you're ahead, or giving you a trading advantage if even/behind (you have more minions which will help you in the fight). Once the wave hits their tower, just back unless you are planning to dive (which you should only do if you know its safe, any jungler worth its salt will smell a dive coming and get to the lane if they can and attempt to stop your dive or punish you for it), you need to just back. Its just not worth attempting to harass enemy under tower.
Staying safe from an immediate gank isn't the only reason you should back. You will also not lose any minions if you back once your minions crashes into his tower, you will get items, and often times the enemy laner will overstay attempting to push in fast enough to make you lose minions, making him susceptible to an all in or gank. And if he backs (especially without TP), you get a chance to push it straight back into his tower making him lose CS and/or take his tower/chunk it. If you are making an attempt to push down their tower, stay safe. Odds are, someone will come to try to defend it, so if you're not sure if you can take it or not, just back and get it later, effectively drawing jungle pressure at no loss to you.
390 back squat
285 bench press
500 deadlift (I don't DL anymore)
"It's not about how much you lift. Its about how much it looks like you lift"
08-10-2017, 12:06 PM
Timing backs is a question of understanding wave management, but also not staying greedy. Just killed your lane opponent lvl 1-2 and low on HP? Just make sure your opponent can't freeze then GTFO before their jungler comes and picks you up. Just killed your lane opponent with TP and wave is slowpushing into you or frozen at your side ? Just back and come back to a lane in perfect position instead of trying to shove in and watch as your lane opponent TP backs in and picks up all that juicy CS/XP.
HOWEVER, use common sense. If you lack TP and the opponent can just TP in and shove it into tower before you get back, you're screwed. If you will get a huge item spike if you push the wave, just get the gold and buy the item. This is something you need to decide on a case to case basis.
This will be a quick, somewhat ranty rundown of macrogame. I will focus on a "grouping" playstyle, as I'll touch upon splitpushing later.
I am assuming you are playing a strong teamfighter or at least someone with presence in a teamfight, which honestly is most champions. Understand your role in teamfights, know your champion and assess what role you need to be fulfilling (peel for fed ADC? Dive their fed ADC? CC someone to get a fight started so you can roflstomp them?)
What you need to understand when grouping is that something needs to happen. You need to pressure something. A tower, objective - something needs to happen. Grouping without a common goal is extremely important, because if the enemy team has a guy in a sidelane splitpushing, and you are sitting 5 mid sieging a tower with 4 people defending it, which you can't dive, your siege is garbage (full melee team, vayne adc for instance) - all thats happening is that the splitpusher gets to pressure for free, while you guys are achieving nothing. You group to force a teamfight, force an objective, make catches. If there is no point to grouping, why group?
Another thing is to understand what objective you need to be taking at any given time. Map awareness and shotcalling ties into this. If their jungler shows top in an even game and a dragon is spawning, push midlane if necessary and looks for picks around dragon, set up vision control and rush it if possible. If you have a lane slowpushing into a t2 tower, make your team aware of it and set up plays around it (push mid, then quickly make your wave top to get the tower having a huge wave attacking it, for instance)
Pressure, and having lanes pushed up, is HUGE in soloq. Pressure can be defined as many things, but basically its that the enemy team has to respond to something, be it a player that is threatening a tower, a wave that requires to be farmed (or the tower takes it), a lack of vision control in an important area (Baron for instance), requiring the enemy team to respond and make sure you arent sneaking it.
So what are inhibitors? Its free pressure.
Many people seem to misunderstand what inhibitors are. But they are free pressure. They do the job of a splitpusher, without a member of your team having to be there. This is important to understand, because a lot of people think that getting an inhib means you won the game, is obscenely ahead, or just makes it so that you can magically just stroll into another lane and get another inhibitor.
You need to understand that taking an inhibitor creates free pressure in that lane, but thats really all it does. So if you time it correctly, stay patient and make your push at a time when the enemy has to keep someone defending in that lane, you will have a numbers advantage and you can set up a siege or dive another inhib, or get a t2 tower and similar. An inhibitor does basically nothing if you allow the enemy team to catch you and get a free kill or perhaps several free kills. Losing an inhibitor is no issue if you have a numbers advantage on the map.
This is why getting top or bot inhib is so huge. You take top inhib, then push up bot and siege - Whoever is farming the wave of superminions will be farther away to join the teamfight.
A common mistake people make is to get mid inhib, then keep going mid, or worse, trying to end when they can't. You need to play a patient game.
A short guide on splitpushing
If you decide to play a splitpusher, such as Tryndamere, Jax, Fiora, Nasus and the likes, you need to know how to splitpush. One of the most important parts of splitpushing is actually shotcalling, i.e getting your team on the same page as you. In higher elos, this may not be necessary. In lower elos, it might be useless. Either way, I believe it is a big part of being a successful splitpusher - letting your team what you will be doing, and what they need to be doing to take advantage of the situation you are creating.
When you are splitpushing
Do not die. The only time dying is acceptable is if you manage to get an inhib, kill 2+ enemies, or if your pressure gets your team baron.
Optimally, you want to be as annoying as possible to deal with. You never greed. You only accept winning conditions, so if they send 3 guys you're gone, if they send one guy, you kill him. This pull and push game is extremely effective because it puts the other team in a soloq nightmare - organize or lose. The enemy team needs to quickly agree upon who needs to defend, who needs to contest the objective your team is at, and all you need to do is make sure you only accept winning conditions. So say you're a fed tryndamere and you know that they need to send 3 for you. You see the 3 of them, then you just back off. Well what the hell do they do now? Guess they run back to baron so your team can't take it. But halfway to baron, you pop up again and threaten their inhib. Quick! Send back our tankiest member! Welp, you (fed trynda) ignore him or dive him, while your team can keep stalling until they HAVE to send another guy (cause you killed their defender), at which point they will probably send 2 or 3 to make sure they don't lose inhib, and your team is free to take baron (or maybe an inhibitor)
Understand that this is soloq and your team won't be playing to your expectations or your hopes and dreams. You need to just play patient and hope that they manage to not get caught out or force idiotic 4v5 fights. Its gonna happen and you can't really do a whole lot about that except keep playing the best LoL you can. But really, you can't stop your team from suiciding and losing you the game if thats what they decide to do. It happens.
Keep good track of the minimap. If someone who can kill you is MIA (a strong enemy laner, 2-3 enemies etc) and you lack vision, just get the hell out of there. Sometimes you just have to sit in a bush and wait until more people show themselves.
Once you get one sidelane inhibitor, simply go into the other lane and do the same thing. This makes your job easier as the inhib lane you already took will be doing your job in that lane, and it will be impossible for the enemy team to deal with 4 members mid and a strong splitpusher top while they can only divide 4 of themselves to deal with all of you.
HOWEVER, use common sense. If you lack TP and the opponent can just TP in and shove it into tower before you get back, you're screwed. If you will get a huge item spike if you push the wave, just get the gold and buy the item. This is something you need to decide on a case to case basis.
This will be a quick, somewhat ranty rundown of macrogame. I will focus on a "grouping" playstyle, as I'll touch upon splitpushing later.
I am assuming you are playing a strong teamfighter or at least someone with presence in a teamfight, which honestly is most champions. Understand your role in teamfights, know your champion and assess what role you need to be fulfilling (peel for fed ADC? Dive their fed ADC? CC someone to get a fight started so you can roflstomp them?)
What you need to understand when grouping is that something needs to happen. You need to pressure something. A tower, objective - something needs to happen. Grouping without a common goal is extremely important, because if the enemy team has a guy in a sidelane splitpushing, and you are sitting 5 mid sieging a tower with 4 people defending it, which you can't dive, your siege is garbage (full melee team, vayne adc for instance) - all thats happening is that the splitpusher gets to pressure for free, while you guys are achieving nothing. You group to force a teamfight, force an objective, make catches. If there is no point to grouping, why group?
Another thing is to understand what objective you need to be taking at any given time. Map awareness and shotcalling ties into this. If their jungler shows top in an even game and a dragon is spawning, push midlane if necessary and looks for picks around dragon, set up vision control and rush it if possible. If you have a lane slowpushing into a t2 tower, make your team aware of it and set up plays around it (push mid, then quickly make your wave top to get the tower having a huge wave attacking it, for instance)
Pressure, and having lanes pushed up, is HUGE in soloq. Pressure can be defined as many things, but basically its that the enemy team has to respond to something, be it a player that is threatening a tower, a wave that requires to be farmed (or the tower takes it), a lack of vision control in an important area (Baron for instance), requiring the enemy team to respond and make sure you arent sneaking it.
So what are inhibitors? Its free pressure.
Many people seem to misunderstand what inhibitors are. But they are free pressure. They do the job of a splitpusher, without a member of your team having to be there. This is important to understand, because a lot of people think that getting an inhib means you won the game, is obscenely ahead, or just makes it so that you can magically just stroll into another lane and get another inhibitor.
You need to understand that taking an inhibitor creates free pressure in that lane, but thats really all it does. So if you time it correctly, stay patient and make your push at a time when the enemy has to keep someone defending in that lane, you will have a numbers advantage and you can set up a siege or dive another inhib, or get a t2 tower and similar. An inhibitor does basically nothing if you allow the enemy team to catch you and get a free kill or perhaps several free kills. Losing an inhibitor is no issue if you have a numbers advantage on the map.
This is why getting top or bot inhib is so huge. You take top inhib, then push up bot and siege - Whoever is farming the wave of superminions will be farther away to join the teamfight.
A common mistake people make is to get mid inhib, then keep going mid, or worse, trying to end when they can't. You need to play a patient game.
A short guide on splitpushing
If you decide to play a splitpusher, such as Tryndamere, Jax, Fiora, Nasus and the likes, you need to know how to splitpush. One of the most important parts of splitpushing is actually shotcalling, i.e getting your team on the same page as you. In higher elos, this may not be necessary. In lower elos, it might be useless. Either way, I believe it is a big part of being a successful splitpusher - letting your team what you will be doing, and what they need to be doing to take advantage of the situation you are creating.
When you are splitpushing
Do not die. The only time dying is acceptable is if you manage to get an inhib, kill 2+ enemies, or if your pressure gets your team baron.
Optimally, you want to be as annoying as possible to deal with. You never greed. You only accept winning conditions, so if they send 3 guys you're gone, if they send one guy, you kill him. This pull and push game is extremely effective because it puts the other team in a soloq nightmare - organize or lose. The enemy team needs to quickly agree upon who needs to defend, who needs to contest the objective your team is at, and all you need to do is make sure you only accept winning conditions. So say you're a fed tryndamere and you know that they need to send 3 for you. You see the 3 of them, then you just back off. Well what the hell do they do now? Guess they run back to baron so your team can't take it. But halfway to baron, you pop up again and threaten their inhib. Quick! Send back our tankiest member! Welp, you (fed trynda) ignore him or dive him, while your team can keep stalling until they HAVE to send another guy (cause you killed their defender), at which point they will probably send 2 or 3 to make sure they don't lose inhib, and your team is free to take baron (or maybe an inhibitor)
Understand that this is soloq and your team won't be playing to your expectations or your hopes and dreams. You need to just play patient and hope that they manage to not get caught out or force idiotic 4v5 fights. Its gonna happen and you can't really do a whole lot about that except keep playing the best LoL you can. But really, you can't stop your team from suiciding and losing you the game if thats what they decide to do. It happens.
Keep good track of the minimap. If someone who can kill you is MIA (a strong enemy laner, 2-3 enemies etc) and you lack vision, just get the hell out of there. Sometimes you just have to sit in a bush and wait until more people show themselves.
Once you get one sidelane inhibitor, simply go into the other lane and do the same thing. This makes your job easier as the inhib lane you already took will be doing your job in that lane, and it will be impossible for the enemy team to deal with 4 members mid and a strong splitpusher top while they can only divide 4 of themselves to deal with all of you.
390 back squat
285 bench press
500 deadlift (I don't DL anymore)
"It's not about how much you lift. Its about how much it looks like you lift"
08-10-2017, 12:07 PM
Generally speaking, you want to split botlane while your team contests baron. If Baron is already taken or hasn't spawned yet, it doesn't really matter. If drake is up you can split top just fine.
If you have TP and can teamfight decently (fiora, jax), optimally you will be balls to the walls splitpushing when its up. I do not believe TP is a requirement to split, but having the option to teleport in incase a fight breaks out is a big advantage.
So when do you split ?
You split when
You do more for your team splitpushing than grouping
Which means, if you are ahead as a player but your team is behind, wasting your strength on grouping and getting CC'ed and gangbanged in teamfights is a waste of your strength.
If you are behind but your team is ahead, pulling someone to deal with you is better than 5v5ing since you are a splitpusher and probably is weaker than their toplaner (both in gold and general teamfight strength)
IF, however, you are ahead AND your team is ahead, grouping and just hard pushing objectives and brute forcing your big advantage is a safer option than attempting to split, as it reduces the risk of anyone getting caught.
Mentality for soloQ
Ok, now this is probably the one thing that you can improve the quickest upon. Probably.
Having a good mentality going into your ranked games is important not only for climbing, but for your mental health and enjoyment of the game as well. So, if you want to climb, want to improve as a player, and enjoy the game as much as you can, you need to:
Never flame, grief, AFK, troll, tilt (or continue playing once it sets in)
So first off, lets talk about flaming your teammates for their mistakes. This should never happen. There is simply not a single situation where flaming or complaining about your teammates will positively impact the chances of you winning. As a matter of fact, I think that the only thing you should say in the chat needs to be strictly shotcalling. Now I'm not gonna sit here and act as if I am a saint. Sometimes I complain, maybe I say something like "you guys need to stop getting picked off! Don't facecheck!". And sometimes you get mad and can't control yourself. But always work to remove this behavior, because it will never make a positive impact. Your teammates doesn't want to be told anything like that. They know facechecking is dumb. Nobody likes to get their head shoved into the mess they made.
So to sum it up: Keep chat light and positive, try to avoid wasting time writing anything non-essential, but most importantly - NEVER argue. Valkrin once said in one of his videos that the second you start an argument, you take minimum two guys head out of the game and they care more about winning a pointless argument than actually winning. So no matter what dumb **** a teammate says, either apologize (if it makes sense) or just ignore them.
Never be outcome dependant
This is so important because of one the most frustrating parts of LoL is the fact that we lose so many games we individually deserve to win. You know those games where you win your lane but your team just went 0-30 and you just has to eat the -20 lp, or maybe you played almost perfectly and almost turned the game around, but your ezreal decided to E into the enemy and throw the game at 45 minutes etc. These things happen and you need to realize that outside of shotcalling, you have absolutely no control over your teammates (hell, even shotcalling is extremely unreliable). All you can do, is play as correct league of legends as you can
I read something interesting the other day, someone created a post linking to the blog of a pro super smash bro player talking about different playstyles, some game aspects etc. He brought up some interesting points, some of which applied to league, others did not.
Here are the links for those who didn't catch the other thread
(check out this site, super interesting!)
I found that "The one true style" described what you need to aim for as a LoL player to be successful. Because while obviously "the one true style" would be optimal in virtually all sports and games, this is the one that hits home the most for us league players. We simply need to try to play the best we can in any given situation. LoL is almost all decision making, and once you understand that, you will learn much quicker.
The message I am trying to get across here is
Play your best, look to improve
Accept that many games will be out of your control, you cannot be expected to win even close to all of your game. You will get afks, feeders, uncarriable teams. None of that matters, only your own play matters. Only focus on your own play, and when you get destroyed, or directly contribute to your team losing - take it as a learning experience. If you are below masters, you are still learning the game - thats how much knowledge there is to soak up in this game. Never let emotions dictate whether you learn something or not - because there is something to learn EVERY game. If thats "can I all in Irelia at lvl 4 with flash advantage?" or if thats "oh ok I need to not get caught doing wolves at 45 minutes", there is ALWAYS something to learn
BUT! ALWAYS play to win! Winning is fun, and personally I believe that once you get past the most basic stuff like learning your champion and other champions abilities and so on, you learn more from just attempting to play your best and winning the game than doing random dumb **** and hope you learn something.
How to improve as a player
I guess this whole guide is about improving as a player, and hopefully after reading this, you've improved in some aspects as a player. I see silver players with a good grasp of some of the concepts I've written about, and I see diamonds who lack grasp of certain other concepts.
But the basic things I believe is most important is this:
A constant thirst of LEARNING, always be looking to learn something. You need confidence and ego, but not too much. Accept and realize that unless you are a high challenger player, there is an incredible amount of information you need to know to be successful in league.
Analyze your gameplay. Replays are fine, however I don't use them. Simply make a mental footnote every time you make a discovery, and carry it with you to your next game. Over time, you will piece together a puzzle and truly understand a concept, which will propel your gameplay to a higher level.
Watch streams and VODs of highlevel players. This is such an amazing source of information. I personally watch a lot of Valkrin and BoxerPete. They have two very different playstyles and ways of communicating to their viewers, but both are great in their own way. Valkrin makes a lot of specific videos with important concepts. He is very informative while streaming and often talks about the larger picture of a game. I mention BoxerPete because not only is he the best Tryndamere player (my main champion), but he has a unique playstyle that I think translates incredibly well to soloq. Patient and cerebral, always looking to play "the one true style".
Here are some concepts you should think about, related to improving:
Intelligent decision making
Champion and matchup knowledge
Emotional control
Another thing (time to ramble) that I feel most players below the highest echelon of gameplay could be better at, is greed. Actually, I want to mention two things:
Accepting the current situation and play based on it
When it comes to greed, I just see too many players taking water over their head. They are impatient, they can't accept only one objective, they want two. They can't accept making their opponent back and miss a ton of cs/xp, they want to kill him aswell. They can't accept creating pressure in a lane, they insist on getting the tower too. This ties closely into accepting the current situation. If your jungler ganks you when you're stuck under tower with a ****ton of XP and CS to get, sure it sucks for your jungler to not get your help and effectively "wasting" his time showing top, but you both need to accept that the correct play is for you to get the gold/xp instead of getting desperate for the kill. Or say both junglers gank top at around 3 minutes, but the enemy jungler manages to 1v1 your jungler in the river and and is running away with 10% hp. If you follow, you will go 1 for 1 (and 1 for 2 in total) and your enemy laner will pick up a kill on you and perhaps double buffs. He gets to shove in, an xp advantage, more cs AND the kill on you. The correct play is accepting that your jungler died, it happened.
Or say that you get mid inhib.
You might want to end the game, but if its not achievable, why are you even there? So many games have been thrown in this situation exactly - toplaner tps behind and the rest of the team comes crashing down on you with homeguards - The second you understand that ending the game isn't clear cut, you need to accept it. Or say that someone on your team gets caught and dies - cut your losses and go defend, don't bruteforce a 4v5 to avenge your teammate and lose a teamfight + map pressure.
OK, this post is long enough and Im kinda out of things to write about. Whoever came this far, hopefuilly you learned something.
If you have TP and can teamfight decently (fiora, jax), optimally you will be balls to the walls splitpushing when its up. I do not believe TP is a requirement to split, but having the option to teleport in incase a fight breaks out is a big advantage.
So when do you split ?
You split when
You do more for your team splitpushing than grouping
Which means, if you are ahead as a player but your team is behind, wasting your strength on grouping and getting CC'ed and gangbanged in teamfights is a waste of your strength.
If you are behind but your team is ahead, pulling someone to deal with you is better than 5v5ing since you are a splitpusher and probably is weaker than their toplaner (both in gold and general teamfight strength)
IF, however, you are ahead AND your team is ahead, grouping and just hard pushing objectives and brute forcing your big advantage is a safer option than attempting to split, as it reduces the risk of anyone getting caught.
Mentality for soloQ
Ok, now this is probably the one thing that you can improve the quickest upon. Probably.
Having a good mentality going into your ranked games is important not only for climbing, but for your mental health and enjoyment of the game as well. So, if you want to climb, want to improve as a player, and enjoy the game as much as you can, you need to:
Never flame, grief, AFK, troll, tilt (or continue playing once it sets in)
So first off, lets talk about flaming your teammates for their mistakes. This should never happen. There is simply not a single situation where flaming or complaining about your teammates will positively impact the chances of you winning. As a matter of fact, I think that the only thing you should say in the chat needs to be strictly shotcalling. Now I'm not gonna sit here and act as if I am a saint. Sometimes I complain, maybe I say something like "you guys need to stop getting picked off! Don't facecheck!". And sometimes you get mad and can't control yourself. But always work to remove this behavior, because it will never make a positive impact. Your teammates doesn't want to be told anything like that. They know facechecking is dumb. Nobody likes to get their head shoved into the mess they made.
So to sum it up: Keep chat light and positive, try to avoid wasting time writing anything non-essential, but most importantly - NEVER argue. Valkrin once said in one of his videos that the second you start an argument, you take minimum two guys head out of the game and they care more about winning a pointless argument than actually winning. So no matter what dumb **** a teammate says, either apologize (if it makes sense) or just ignore them.
Never be outcome dependant
This is so important because of one the most frustrating parts of LoL is the fact that we lose so many games we individually deserve to win. You know those games where you win your lane but your team just went 0-30 and you just has to eat the -20 lp, or maybe you played almost perfectly and almost turned the game around, but your ezreal decided to E into the enemy and throw the game at 45 minutes etc. These things happen and you need to realize that outside of shotcalling, you have absolutely no control over your teammates (hell, even shotcalling is extremely unreliable). All you can do, is play as correct league of legends as you can
I read something interesting the other day, someone created a post linking to the blog of a pro super smash bro player talking about different playstyles, some game aspects etc. He brought up some interesting points, some of which applied to league, others did not.
Here are the links for those who didn't catch the other thread
(check out this site, super interesting!)
I found that "The one true style" described what you need to aim for as a LoL player to be successful. Because while obviously "the one true style" would be optimal in virtually all sports and games, this is the one that hits home the most for us league players. We simply need to try to play the best we can in any given situation. LoL is almost all decision making, and once you understand that, you will learn much quicker.
The message I am trying to get across here is
Play your best, look to improve
Accept that many games will be out of your control, you cannot be expected to win even close to all of your game. You will get afks, feeders, uncarriable teams. None of that matters, only your own play matters. Only focus on your own play, and when you get destroyed, or directly contribute to your team losing - take it as a learning experience. If you are below masters, you are still learning the game - thats how much knowledge there is to soak up in this game. Never let emotions dictate whether you learn something or not - because there is something to learn EVERY game. If thats "can I all in Irelia at lvl 4 with flash advantage?" or if thats "oh ok I need to not get caught doing wolves at 45 minutes", there is ALWAYS something to learn
BUT! ALWAYS play to win! Winning is fun, and personally I believe that once you get past the most basic stuff like learning your champion and other champions abilities and so on, you learn more from just attempting to play your best and winning the game than doing random dumb **** and hope you learn something.
How to improve as a player
I guess this whole guide is about improving as a player, and hopefully after reading this, you've improved in some aspects as a player. I see silver players with a good grasp of some of the concepts I've written about, and I see diamonds who lack grasp of certain other concepts.
But the basic things I believe is most important is this:
A constant thirst of LEARNING, always be looking to learn something. You need confidence and ego, but not too much. Accept and realize that unless you are a high challenger player, there is an incredible amount of information you need to know to be successful in league.
Analyze your gameplay. Replays are fine, however I don't use them. Simply make a mental footnote every time you make a discovery, and carry it with you to your next game. Over time, you will piece together a puzzle and truly understand a concept, which will propel your gameplay to a higher level.
Watch streams and VODs of highlevel players. This is such an amazing source of information. I personally watch a lot of Valkrin and BoxerPete. They have two very different playstyles and ways of communicating to their viewers, but both are great in their own way. Valkrin makes a lot of specific videos with important concepts. He is very informative while streaming and often talks about the larger picture of a game. I mention BoxerPete because not only is he the best Tryndamere player (my main champion), but he has a unique playstyle that I think translates incredibly well to soloq. Patient and cerebral, always looking to play "the one true style".
Here are some concepts you should think about, related to improving:
Intelligent decision making
Champion and matchup knowledge
Emotional control
Another thing (time to ramble) that I feel most players below the highest echelon of gameplay could be better at, is greed. Actually, I want to mention two things:
Accepting the current situation and play based on it
When it comes to greed, I just see too many players taking water over their head. They are impatient, they can't accept only one objective, they want two. They can't accept making their opponent back and miss a ton of cs/xp, they want to kill him aswell. They can't accept creating pressure in a lane, they insist on getting the tower too. This ties closely into accepting the current situation. If your jungler ganks you when you're stuck under tower with a ****ton of XP and CS to get, sure it sucks for your jungler to not get your help and effectively "wasting" his time showing top, but you both need to accept that the correct play is for you to get the gold/xp instead of getting desperate for the kill. Or say both junglers gank top at around 3 minutes, but the enemy jungler manages to 1v1 your jungler in the river and and is running away with 10% hp. If you follow, you will go 1 for 1 (and 1 for 2 in total) and your enemy laner will pick up a kill on you and perhaps double buffs. He gets to shove in, an xp advantage, more cs AND the kill on you. The correct play is accepting that your jungler died, it happened.
Or say that you get mid inhib.
You might want to end the game, but if its not achievable, why are you even there? So many games have been thrown in this situation exactly - toplaner tps behind and the rest of the team comes crashing down on you with homeguards - The second you understand that ending the game isn't clear cut, you need to accept it. Or say that someone on your team gets caught and dies - cut your losses and go defend, don't bruteforce a 4v5 to avenge your teammate and lose a teamfight + map pressure.
OK, this post is long enough and Im kinda out of things to write about. Whoever came this far, hopefuilly you learned something.
390 back squat
285 bench press
500 deadlift (I don't DL anymore)
"It's not about how much you lift. Its about how much it looks like you lift"
08-11-2017, 07:51 PM
15lp for a win… -22lp for a loss.
what in the fk.
what in the fk.
08-12-2017, 11:13 AM
Banning Janna/Lulu every game. Shield champs are broken atm.
**Pasham is gonna make it crew**
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- Neuronecrosis
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- Neuronecrosis
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08-14-2017, 10:54 AM
Originally Posted By RudeKong⏩
thx for the pointers. When I started the game I just jumped in, since I had played WC3 Dota. After reading some guides I was pleased that I had learned some fundamental stuff on my own, like certain ward placements and when to split push (as Zed at least).
if you learn the basic and even medial level concepts of how to CS, trade. ward and checking your mini map you'll be better off than someone who is technically better than you on any certain champ. Ideally yes you want to be best at a few champs but someone who understands when to trade, how to manipulate the wave, when a gank might happen is in a better situation than someone who is better at a certain champ. That's why its better to learn mechanically "easy" champs early on so you can concentrate on macro play then after that you can hone your skills on more intense mechanic champs. So champs like Annie, Pantheon, Brand, Cho, Malz etc… The more point/click champs are better to learn the game on rather than big play champs like LB, Yas, AS, Zed, etc.. where you have to pay more attention to your mechanics than the actual state of the game. Guess what I'm saying is if you learn how to win on a macro level then you don't have to worry too much about if you have to play a champ you are kind of unfamiliar with.
atm I'm working on my skills with Galio. At first I didn't like being a big tank that doesn't do much damage, but being able to turn the tide of a team fight is awesome.
Plus I got tired of people not peeling for me on Varus, lol.
ωσяℓ∂ тяανєℓєя ȼяєω
Pre-Med crew
★ NUFC ☆
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- CaliSuperSport
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08-14-2017, 10:55 AM
add me if anyone wants to play
IGN: Dario
IGN: Dario
08-14-2017, 01:25 PM
Why is it that when you have an angry player on your team performing TERRIBLY, and you respond to their inciteful chit, the team starts to blame you?
I don't get it. Tilt doesn't exist for people who have control over themselves. Whenever I type to these dudes I find it lulzy and it doesn't change my play, and even when I don't die they say .. "dude you're tilting, stop typing."
Is that just like a catch all for "I'm angry and gonna scapegoat you instead of the actual piece of chit because it gives me a false sense of moral high ground."
I don't get it. Tilt doesn't exist for people who have control over themselves. Whenever I type to these dudes I find it lulzy and it doesn't change my play, and even when I don't die they say .. "dude you're tilting, stop typing."
Is that just like a catch all for "I'm angry and gonna scapegoat you instead of the actual piece of chit because it gives me a false sense of moral high ground."
**Pasham is gonna make it crew**
**Biochemistry / Metabolomics Crew**
- Neuronecrosis
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- Neuronecrosis
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08-14-2017, 04:55 PM
Originally Posted By Neuronecrosis⏩
this is some stupid phenomena that I have noticed as well. I'm not sure if it's friends queuing up together or what.
Why is it that when you have an angry player on your team performing TERRIBLY, and you respond to their inciteful chit, the team starts to blame you?
I don't get it. Tilt doesn't exist for people who have control over themselves. Whenever I type to these dudes I find it lulzy and it doesn't change my play, and even when I don't die they say .. "dude you're tilting, stop typing."
Is that just like a catch all for "I'm angry and gonna scapegoat you instead of the actual piece of chit because it gives me a false sense of moral high ground."
I don't get it. Tilt doesn't exist for people who have control over themselves. Whenever I type to these dudes I find it lulzy and it doesn't change my play, and even when I don't die they say .. "dude you're tilting, stop typing."
Is that just like a catch all for "I'm angry and gonna scapegoat you instead of the actual piece of chit because it gives me a false sense of moral high ground."
the "stop typing" line is a tryhard comeback. I just say something like "(player name) baddie muted" and they can kick and scream without you having to see their bullchit. There's literally no point in arguing with such morons.
Last week I had a 0/3 Zed start vs Fizz. top and bot lane go toxic because I dare request pings. I end up going 20/5/6 with top CS, top lane ended up 4/11 or some chit and calls me a "chit zed". lolz. You wanna argue with an idiot like that?
ωσяℓ∂ тяανєℓєя ȼяєω
Pre-Med crew
★ NUFC ☆
177 lbs | O: 165 /// B: 275 /// S: 335 /// D: 390
- CaliSuperSport
- Mercenary. Non-negotiable
- CaliSuperSport
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08-14-2017, 08:05 PM
Originally Posted By CaliSuperSport⏩
this is some stupid phenomena that I have noticed as well. I'm not sure if it's friends queuing up together or what.
the "stop typing" line is a tryhard comeback. I just say something like "(player name) baddie muted" and they can kick and scream without you having to see their bullchit. There's literally no point in arguing with such morons.
Last week I had a 0/3 Zed start vs Fizz. top and bot lane go toxic because I dare request pings. I end up going 20/5/6 with top CS, top lane ended up 4/11 or some chit and calls me a "chit zed". lolz. You wanna argue with an idiot like that?
the "stop typing" line is a tryhard comeback. I just say something like "(player name) baddie muted" and they can kick and scream without you having to see their bullchit. There's literally no point in arguing with such morons.
Last week I had a 0/3 Zed start vs Fizz. top and bot lane go toxic because I dare request pings. I end up going 20/5/6 with top CS, top lane ended up 4/11 or some chit and calls me a "chit zed". lolz. You wanna argue with an idiot like that?
Thanks for putting it into good perspective like that. I dunno though, I have some kind of illness I think lmao. Some ****lord gave me his address once in a PM and said to man up (why bring irl into this). Turned out he was in the same state about an hour away, and actually gave me his real address. I showed up at his door and he was a fat 16 year old kid. Ran inside and freaked out and got his dad. I explained what happened to his dad and that I totally expected it to be someone elses address and was going to let them know that some kid happened to be giving their info out on the net. I have never in my life seen a parent so disappointed.
If I knew for sure someone gave me their real address, I would fly cross country just to make them chit bricks and think I was insane.
**Pasham is gonna make it crew**
**Biochemistry / Metabolomics Crew**
- Neuronecrosis
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- Neuronecrosis
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08-14-2017, 09:36 PM
So glad they put URF for so long. Even though it pisses me off every now and then, I have a lot of fun just fooling around
08-15-2017, 03:56 PM
Originally Posted By Neuronecrosis⏩
yeah I mean I take solace in the fact I could put most of these idiots in a coma with my bare hands if I wanted to. Mostly just repressed 17 and under edgelords.
Thanks for putting it into good perspective like that. I dunno though, I have some kind of illness I think lmao. Some ****lord gave me his address once in a PM and said to man up (why bring irl into this). Turned out he was in the same state about an hour away, and actually gave me his real address. I showed up at his door and he was a fat 16 year old kid. Ran inside and freaked out and got his dad. I explained what happened to his dad and that I totally expected it to be someone elses address and was going to let them know that some kid happened to be giving their info out on the net. I have never in my life seen a parent so disappointed.
If I knew for sure someone gave me their real address, I would fly cross country just to make them chit bricks and think I was insane.
If I knew for sure someone gave me their real address, I would fly cross country just to make them chit bricks and think I was insane.
ωσяℓ∂ тяανєℓєя ȼяєω
Pre-Med crew
★ NUFC ☆
177 lbs | O: 165 /// B: 275 /// S: 335 /// D: 390
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08-15-2017, 05:33 PM
Urf is pretty fun.. Funny thing is, the enemy starts to flame you if you get a OP champ lmao. I once got Syndra and got flamed hard by the enemy team lmao.. It's fkin Urf, you get random champs.
SC: PwnedGalaxy
Insta: @ibrahimq__
- EvilCulprit
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08-28-2017, 11:45 AM
Thoughts on the NA matches this past weekend and finals next week?
I was honestly surprised how easily IMT took down CLG. Don't get me wrong I hate CLG with exception to aphro but they looked pretty damn bad. Mistake having omargod take over?
TSM games as always were determined on whether or not Svenskeren plays a tank jungler or not. Game hanutzer looked lost on mao but it was still rather close.
I think it's going to be close next weekend with 3-2 TSM win. Ultimately i think it'll come down to how well jungle/bot do for both teams.
I was honestly surprised how easily IMT took down CLG. Don't get me wrong I hate CLG with exception to aphro but they looked pretty damn bad. Mistake having omargod take over?
TSM games as always were determined on whether or not Svenskeren plays a tank jungler or not. Game hanutzer looked lost on mao but it was still rather close.
I think it's going to be close next weekend with 3-2 TSM win. Ultimately i think it'll come down to how well jungle/bot do for both teams.
hard to hate on a fellow wings fan but….
i need to cut… badly.
08-28-2017, 04:26 PM
Originally Posted By RudeKong⏩
TSM and IMT are a cut above the rest which is nice. should be a good series. giving the edge to IMT because Olleh is a legit game-breaking support and TSM struggles if they aren't out-macroing the enemy, so having the better playmaking/creativity should be important.
Thoughts on the NA matches this past weekend and finals next week?
I was honestly surprised how easily IMT took down CLG. Don't get me wrong I hate CLG with exception to aphro but they looked pretty damn bad. Mistake having omargod take over?
TSM games as always were determined on whether or not Svenskeren plays a tank jungler or not. Game hanutzer looked lost on mao but it was still rather close.
I think it's going to be close next weekend with 3-2 TSM win. Ultimately i think it'll come down to how well jungle/bot do for both teams.
I was honestly surprised how easily IMT took down CLG. Don't get me wrong I hate CLG with exception to aphro but they looked pretty damn bad. Mistake having omargod take over?
TSM games as always were determined on whether or not Svenskeren plays a tank jungler or not. Game hanutzer looked lost on mao but it was still rather close.
I think it's going to be close next weekend with 3-2 TSM win. Ultimately i think it'll come down to how well jungle/bot do for both teams.
Flame > Hauntzer
Xmithie = Sven
P.O.B. < Bjerg
Cody < Doublelift
Olleh > Bio
Go Canucks Go!
Mais notre monde érodé restera le même
Et demain toi et moi serons partis
08-28-2017, 04:32 PM
Pushing to gold on my days off next week if anyone wants to join me.
Currently S2 or 3, can't remember. Username is Tryndabone
Currently S2 or 3, can't remember. Username is Tryndabone
Views expressed on this domain are fictitious and represent the opinion of no entity whatsoever
- Vampirelol
- oof
- Vampirelol
- oof
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09-05-2017, 08:23 PM
any decent misc clubs around anymore?
Got deleted from the last one i knew of by yourgaylover because i removed him from my friends list cause he kept messaging me about how he wanted to kill jewish people, he got buthurt and kicked me LMAO
Got deleted from the last one i knew of by yourgaylover because i removed him from my friends list cause he kept messaging me about how he wanted to kill jewish people, he got buthurt and kicked me LMAO
Great MAGA King status
Bing Chilling
- Smithers115
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- Smithers115
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09-08-2017, 09:12 AM
Just got promoted then lost 4 in a row. Still haven't been demoted but fuk if I lose one more I'm gonna lose it.
hard to hate on a fellow wings fan but….
i need to cut… badly.
09-08-2017, 09:15 AM
Originally Posted By Vampirelol⏩
u trynda main? I used to be a high plat trynda main if u want some tips n chit. I dont play LoL anymore but can still be helpful
Pushing to gold on my days off next week if anyone wants to join me.
Currently S2 or 3, can't remember. Username is Tryndabone
Currently S2 or 3, can't remember. Username is Tryndabone
390 back squat
285 bench press
500 deadlift (I don't DL anymore)
"It's not about how much you lift. Its about how much it looks like you lift"
09-08-2017, 11:25 AM
The new game mode is pretty fun tbh. You need to 5-man it on mic, though.
Go Canucks Go!
Mais notre monde érodé restera le même
Et demain toi et moi serons partis
09-08-2017, 11:32 AM
Originally Posted By VTheKing⏩
Was watching Voy play it last night and it looked hella intense.
The new game mode is pretty fun tbh. You need to 5-man it on mic, though.
That Ahri voice over they have on rift is the most annoying thing ever though. Disabled it after 5 minutes.
hard to hate on a fellow wings fan but….
i need to cut… badly.
09-10-2017, 10:46 AM
Is there a misc club or something I can get in on?
IGN: Guava Mango
IGN: Guava Mango
09-10-2017, 11:21 AM
Originally Posted By RudeKong⏩
Game is definitely fun, until you beat it. Beat onslaught 3 times so far in about 15 tries lol. 3 of them being the last 6 games.
Was watching Voy play it last night and it looked hella intense.
That Ahri voice over they have on rift is the most annoying thing ever though. Disabled it after 5 minutes.
That Ahri voice over they have on rift is the most annoying thing ever though. Disabled it after 5 minutes.
Being on discord definitely helps, but all the times i've beaten it was with a duo and rest were random. its honestly all about correct item builds and synergy/communication
Acne Laser Surgery:
- chickenallday
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- chickenallday
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09-10-2017, 12:42 PM
Haven't played LoL in a long time
really dislike how the game has changed, over the last few years. every new champions kit is so overloaded compared to original champions
season 2 and 3 were so fun though
simple game and simple champions, easy to understand and play, but still required lots of skill and knowledge to carry and climb. now I think the game is way to overloaded, over complicated for no reason and its less fun as a result
really dislike how the game has changed, over the last few years. every new champions kit is so overloaded compared to original champions
season 2 and 3 were so fun though
simple game and simple champions, easy to understand and play, but still required lots of skill and knowledge to carry and climb. now I think the game is way to overloaded, over complicated for no reason and its less fun as a result
09-10-2017, 12:51 PM
Originally Posted By Purfected⏩
league is a dying game now. PUBG has taken over and large number of people have converted
Haven't played LoL in a long time
really dislike how the game has changed, over the last few years. every new champions kit is so overloaded compared to original champions
season 2 and 3 were so fun though
simple game and simple champions, easy to understand and play, but still required lots of skill and knowledge to carry and climb. now I think the game is way to overloaded, over complicated for no reason and its less fun as a result
really dislike how the game has changed, over the last few years. every new champions kit is so overloaded compared to original champions
season 2 and 3 were so fun though
simple game and simple champions, easy to understand and play, but still required lots of skill and knowledge to carry and climb. now I think the game is way to overloaded, over complicated for no reason and its less fun as a result
Acne Laser Surgery:
- chickenallday
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- chickenallday
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09-10-2017, 06:58 PM
Originally Posted By Purfected⏩
nah I think it's the opposite. Riot constantly updating champion kits, items and graphics keeps the game fresh even though it's nearly 8 years old and people have claimed it's been dying forever, nevermind all the triple-A "League killer" games. not even Overwatch knocked League from being the most popular competitive video game (yet).
Haven't played LoL in a long time
really dislike how the game has changed, over the last few years. every new champions kit is so overloaded compared to original champions
season 2 and 3 were so fun though
simple game and simple champions, easy to understand and play, but still required lots of skill and knowledge to carry and climb. now I think the game is way to overloaded, over complicated for no reason and its less fun as a result
really dislike how the game has changed, over the last few years. every new champions kit is so overloaded compared to original champions
season 2 and 3 were so fun though
simple game and simple champions, easy to understand and play, but still required lots of skill and knowledge to carry and climb. now I think the game is way to overloaded, over complicated for no reason and its less fun as a result
Go Canucks Go!
Mais notre monde érodé restera le même
Et demain toi et moi serons partis
09-12-2017, 10:13 AM
That worlds draw looking a little fishy to me. Don't get me wrong I would love to see an NA team make it out of groups for once but this looks a little too good to be true.
InB4 none of them make it out of groups.
InB4 none of them make it out of groups.
hard to hate on a fellow wings fan but….
i need to cut… badly.
09-13-2017, 09:38 AM
Add me to club or w.e. Just started
ign: XOReaper
ign: XOReaper
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