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» Official League of Legends Thread: Trolls and AFK's Galore PART II
02-11-2019, 12:34 PM
Rush has still never had a 0-2 week in LCS
50% winrate player supreme
50% winrate player supreme
02-11-2019, 01:11 PM
Originally Posted By bartosh⏩
I'm hoping Grig makes the difference but as far as what I'm seeing… doesn't look too good. They seem to get out drafted every game. Or they don't fully know how to commit to their team comp. Or they are just not cohesive. In all their losses it's come down to bad, on coordinated team fights. Someone is always on the other side of the map or one person is cutoff from everyone else. Something is going on. TSM definitely looks like the least "team" of every team.
I'm looking forward to seeing G2 at MSI. I think TL will be exposed because all of NA sucks but G2 is killing it
I really don't know what TSM should do anymore.
I have no idea why they got ziks as a coach cuz he's not good and has a demonstrated history of being mediocre at best.
Grig is way better than akkadian imo so that should help once he's fully healed.
I really don't know what TSM should do anymore.
I have no idea why they got ziks as a coach cuz he's not good and has a demonstrated history of being mediocre at best.
Grig is way better than akkadian imo so that should help once he's fully healed.
hard to hate on a fellow wings fan but….
i need to cut… badly.
02-11-2019, 03:11 PM
In promotions to Gold 1
02-12-2019, 08:30 AM
Classic Master Yikes gameplay
-gets big lead early
- perma split pushes while accomplishing nothing by doing so
- has all our teams gold, so enemy team can easily hard engage us and tower dive
- yi comes back to try and 1v5
- dies
-rages and confused why he couldn't 1v5 vs team with lots of CC
-gets big lead early
- perma split pushes while accomplishing nothing by doing so
- has all our teams gold, so enemy team can easily hard engage us and tower dive
- yi comes back to try and 1v5
- dies
-rages and confused why he couldn't 1v5 vs team with lots of CC
02-12-2019, 01:12 PM
won my promotion to gold 1 on my 3rd attempt
first 2 series I played well but not well enough
first 2 series I played well but not well enough
02-12-2019, 03:06 PM
bouta hit plat with 100% zyra wr on smurf. had 67% season 8
have 9 games so far but season champion stats only show 7 which is weird
mirin summoner name?
have 9 games so far but season champion stats only show 7 which is weird
mirin summoner name?
sig line can't be a novel crew. and I'll be banned if I make it a novel again
- MilkBender
- le kookiez r redy
- MilkBender
- le kookiez r redy
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- Location: Los Angeles, California, United States
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02-12-2019, 03:21 PM
Originally Posted By MilkBender⏩
do you build liandry's first?
bouta hit plat with 100% zyra wr on smurf. had 67% season 8
have 9 games so far but season champion stats only show 7 which is weird
mirin summoner name?
have 9 games so far but season champion stats only show 7 which is weird
mirin summoner name?
I see some zyra's build zonyas first and makes me think they have brain lagg or something
I see no reason why a support zyra would ever build zonya over liandry first
02-12-2019, 04:00 PM
got promoted to gold 1
then lost 4 in a row and demoted to gold 2 again lul
each game I lost the enemy jungler popped off really hard
16-4 sylas in 1 of the games
and in 2 of the games a fully stacked mejais eve
laned vs Draven and Alistar, that was a pain in the ass, impossible to approach the wave
then lost 4 in a row and demoted to gold 2 again lul
each game I lost the enemy jungler popped off really hard
16-4 sylas in 1 of the games
and in 2 of the games a fully stacked mejais eve
laned vs Draven and Alistar, that was a pain in the ass, impossible to approach the wave
02-12-2019, 04:17 PM
Also with the new login screen and you can see peoples mastery points
it's hilarious when you see somebody on enemy team have over 1 million mastery points, and then your player going against them has under 20k lol
it's hilarious when you see somebody on enemy team have over 1 million mastery points, and then your player going against them has under 20k lol
02-12-2019, 05:06 PM
Originally Posted By Purfected⏩
sorc boots then liandries, occasionally I go morello before liandries vs sona/soraka
do you build liandry's first?
I see some zyra's build zonyas first and makes me think they have brain lagg or something
I see no reason why a support zyra would ever build zonya over liandry first
I see some zyra's build zonyas first and makes me think they have brain lagg or something
I see no reason why a support zyra would ever build zonya over liandry first
you're right zhonya 1st seems like a noob trap, don't tell me they took inspiration runes for the stopwatch as well
sig line can't be a novel crew. and I'll be banned if I make it a novel again
- MilkBender
- le kookiez r redy
- MilkBender
- le kookiez r redy
- Join Date: May 2010
- Location: Los Angeles, California, United States
- Age: 28
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02-12-2019, 05:29 PM
Originally Posted By MilkBender⏩
sorc boots then liandries, occasionally I go morello before liandries vs sona/soraka
you're right zhonya 1st seems like a noob trap, don't tell me they took inspiration runes for the stopwatch as well
you're right zhonya 1st seems like a noob trap, don't tell me they took inspiration runes for the stopwatch as well
I see brand supports who don't build liandry first as well. mind blown because liandry is by far the best item for brand. it's full retard not to build it first
02-12-2019, 05:50 PM
Originally Posted By Purfected⏩
nah it can be situational. a ryali's rush is also good as it is a lot cheaper and keeps people in your damage zone (and therefore do more damage in teamfights as well as helping your team), and if you're facing a fed assassin or mobile fighter you might want a zhonya's or banshee's to keep from being your typical autofill 0/8/0 brand.
I see brand supports who don't build liandry first as well. mind blown because liandry is by far the best item for brand. it's full retard not to build it first
Go Canucks Go!
Mais notre monde érodé restera le même
Et demain toi et moi serons partis
02-12-2019, 06:16 PM
7 game loss streak
not even playing badly, braindead top lane and mid laners on my team have been feeding their asses off. such a piss off. top laner on my team last game was a first time urgot. literally did nothing the entire game, would run up, miss everything and die
not even playing badly, braindead top lane and mid laners on my team have been feeding their asses off. such a piss off. top laner on my team last game was a first time urgot. literally did nothing the entire game, would run up, miss everything and die
02-12-2019, 08:37 PM
after I hit gold 1 this happened
I played bad in 2 of these games, the ezreal game, and a 0-6 varus game thats not in the screenshot
every other game I did well in lane but other laners are literal dogchit uncarryable.
last game, Akali top lane lost all 3 towers and fed illaoi 8+ kills before 20 minutes. mid lane yasuo feeds annie 10 kills.
these retards make it so hard on themselves
I played bad in 2 of these games, the ezreal game, and a 0-6 varus game thats not in the screenshot
every other game I did well in lane but other laners are literal dogchit uncarryable.
last game, Akali top lane lost all 3 towers and fed illaoi 8+ kills before 20 minutes. mid lane yasuo feeds annie 10 kills.
these retards make it so hard on themselves
02-13-2019, 02:11 AM
Originally Posted By Purfected⏩
rylais 1st can actually be a strong utility item because I think the slow refreshes until his passive ends. So throw out your ult and everyone is slowed for several seconds, makes it easier to combo and have team follow up, and don't forget they're slowed the entire time and even more if your 3passive pops. But as far as straight poke and damage goes yeah liandries is superior to anything else for the same reason (burn refresh by passive)
I see brand supports who don't build liandry first as well. mind blown because liandry is by far the best item for brand. it's full retard not to build it first
sig line can't be a novel crew. and I'll be banned if I make it a novel again
- MilkBender
- le kookiez r redy
- MilkBender
- le kookiez r redy
- Join Date: May 2010
- Location: Los Angeles, California, United States
- Age: 28
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02-13-2019, 07:43 AM
so tilted right now!
02-13-2019, 09:01 AM
now i am chat restricted because I called this support rammus on my team a pathetic loser because he banned away our own teams top lane pick, then was rambling on about how sleep deprived he was but was high on amphetamines.
02-13-2019, 09:19 AM
demoted to gold 3
02-13-2019, 10:12 AM
Originally Posted By Purfected⏩
Bro you need to chill you're losing it
now i am chat restricted because I called this support rammus on my team a pathetic loser because he banned away our own teams top lane pick, then was rambling on about how sleep deprived he was but was high on amphetamines.
- BroImNigerian
- Registered User
- BroImNigerian
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02-13-2019, 02:28 PM
literally 90% of my games the past 2 days, my mid and top laner have fed like this viktor and quinn from my last game. no exaggeration. unbelievable
I have to switch roles to mid or jungle. something that can influence my other lanes to have success
edit: buying Kindred, plays like an adc but is a jungler, lets do it
literally 90% of my games the past 2 days, my mid and top laner have fed like this viktor and quinn from my last game. no exaggeration. unbelievable
I have to switch roles to mid or jungle. something that can influence my other lanes to have success
edit: buying Kindred, plays like an adc but is a jungler, lets do it
02-13-2019, 04:23 PM
loving kindred
this champ is really fun. I've played since pre season 2 and have never played her before ever.
I keep messing up though and using her E on people while I have ult down, making it do zero damage for me lol. but I've done well in my jungle games thus far
my first game was a loss, but I actually did good in early game and was 4-1 early on, but not knowing this champion yet I didn't get anymore advantage
next game I got early lead again and this time pressed my lead by abusing the enemy jungler etc
this champ is really fun. I've played since pre season 2 and have never played her before ever.
I keep messing up though and using her E on people while I have ult down, making it do zero damage for me lol. but I've done well in my jungle games thus far
my first game was a loss, but I actually did good in early game and was 4-1 early on, but not knowing this champion yet I didn't get anymore advantage
next game I got early lead again and this time pressed my lead by abusing the enemy jungler etc
02-13-2019, 11:24 PM
Originally Posted By BroImNigerian⏩
lol this
Bro you need to chill you're losing it
also play champions that aren't so team reliant. kog has insane dps but is a sitting duck, 0 outplay potential besides being in range of someone and melting them
5 more wins to plat
sig line can't be a novel crew. and I'll be banned if I make it a novel again
- MilkBender
- le kookiez r redy
- MilkBender
- le kookiez r redy
- Join Date: May 2010
- Location: Los Angeles, California, United States
- Age: 28
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02-14-2019, 10:43 AM
IN for Purfected permaban. Chill out m8, adc is just like that. Some games you pop off and carry, some you're just a sitting duck. If you want more consistency, go with scaling mages…i mean just look at ZyraBrah carrying from the support role. Based off his smurf alone, I'd wager he was a challenger smurf. Your loss streak is just how the game is designed to work. If you climb too high in a short period of time, they stack your team with loss streak people so that you drop again. Keeps people playing.
Also loling at the loading screen mastery stuff…such a bad addition, just gives another reason to flame and tilt people before the game even starts. I unlocked Riven, queued top in ranked with 0 mastery points, and as soon as the game starts these kids start flaming in all chat about me troll picking. Proceed to stomp their yorick top because apparently riven muscle memory from s1-3 is fully retained (and she's just busted)
Also loling at the loading screen mastery stuff…such a bad addition, just gives another reason to flame and tilt people before the game even starts. I unlocked Riven, queued top in ranked with 0 mastery points, and as soon as the game starts these kids start flaming in all chat about me troll picking. Proceed to stomp their yorick top because apparently riven muscle memory from s1-3 is fully retained (and she's just busted)
—BG Aesthetics Crew —
—No GF crew —
—HBB date count: 2 —
—Summoner's Rift crew —
- BulgarianZeus
- Norwooded
- BulgarianZeus
- Norwooded
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02-14-2019, 10:49 AM
Originally Posted By BulgarianZeus⏩
IN for Purfected permaban. Chill out m8, adc is just like that. Some games you pop off and carry, some you're just a sitting duck. If you want more consistency, go with scaling mages…i mean just look at ZyraBrah carrying from the support role. Based off his smurf alone, I'd wager he was a challenger smurf. Your loss streak is just how the game is designed to work. If you climb too high in a short period of time, they stack your team with loss streak people so that you drop again. Keeps people playing.
Also loling at the loading screen mastery stuff…such a bad addition, just gives another reason to flame and tilt people before the game even starts. I unlocked Riven, queued top in ranked with 0 mastery points, and as soon as the game starts these kids start flaming in all chat about me troll picking. Proceed to stomp their yorick top because apparently riven muscle memory from s1-3 is fully retained (and she's just busted)
Also loling at the loading screen mastery stuff…such a bad addition, just gives another reason to flame and tilt people before the game even starts. I unlocked Riven, queued top in ranked with 0 mastery points, and as soon as the game starts these kids start flaming in all chat about me troll picking. Proceed to stomp their yorick top because apparently riven muscle memory from s1-3 is fully retained (and she's just busted)
no I won't be permabanned, wasn't even raging in game, just called teammates idiots and stuff sometimes
also about mastery points on loading screen, it reminds me of when you used to be able to see the ping of everybody on loading screen. and you would know you would lose because your mid laner would have 999 red ping in loading screen LOL. and they changed it for that very reason, it was demoralizing to your teammates if somebody had insanely high ping on your team
also, I switched roles to jungle and am loving kindred right now
02-14-2019, 02:21 PM
tfw you get 10 marks on kindred and her attack range is increased by 175 or something. People probably get so triggered when I finish them off from that far away
side note : Kindreds skins look absolutely terrible lol. the base skin looks awesome though
side note : Kindreds skins look absolutely terrible lol. the base skin looks awesome though
02-14-2019, 04:31 PM
just got permanent banned.
I didn't call anyone any names or insult them….
but apparently, you can't even point out mistakes of people in chat and argue with them because it's considered toxic… and since I already had a 14 day ban a few months ago, this one was perma'd.
This is what I hate about Riot as a company. They're all nerdy *******s who never picked up a ball in their lives.
Go play ANY team sport, and you'll hear a lot worse from your teammates if you're out there stinking it up and losing the game for them. This is considered normal human behavior in the rest of the world.
But for Riot, they need their safe space. It's gotten so extreme that even if I don't insult anyone, don't call anyone names, but just ARGUE about the jungler having no dragon control… it's considered toxic.
I don't have a second account…
I didn't call anyone any names or insult them….
but apparently, you can't even point out mistakes of people in chat and argue with them because it's considered toxic… and since I already had a 14 day ban a few months ago, this one was perma'd.
This is what I hate about Riot as a company. They're all nerdy *******s who never picked up a ball in their lives.
Go play ANY team sport, and you'll hear a lot worse from your teammates if you're out there stinking it up and losing the game for them. This is considered normal human behavior in the rest of the world.
But for Riot, they need their safe space. It's gotten so extreme that even if I don't insult anyone, don't call anyone names, but just ARGUE about the jungler having no dragon control… it's considered toxic.
I don't have a second account…
Ave Christus Rex
Toxic Masculinity crew.
Pureblood crew.
Wholesome crew.
02-14-2019, 04:46 PM
Originally Posted By CalmWind⏩
just got permanent banned.
I didn't call anyone any names or insult them….
but apparently, you can't even point out mistakes of people in chat and argue with them because it's considered toxic… and since I already had a 14 day ban a few months ago, this one was perma'd.
This is what I hate about Riot as a company. They're all nerdy *******s who never picked up a ball in their lives.
Go play ANY team sport, and you'll hear a lot worse from your teammates if you're out there stinking it up and losing the game for them. This is considered normal human behavior in the rest of the world.
But for Riot, they need their safe space. It's gotten so extreme that even if I don't insult anyone, don't call anyone names, but just ARGUE about the jungler having no dragon control… it's considered toxic.
I don't have a second account…
I didn't call anyone any names or insult them….
but apparently, you can't even point out mistakes of people in chat and argue with them because it's considered toxic… and since I already had a 14 day ban a few months ago, this one was perma'd.
This is what I hate about Riot as a company. They're all nerdy *******s who never picked up a ball in their lives.
Go play ANY team sport, and you'll hear a lot worse from your teammates if you're out there stinking it up and losing the game for them. This is considered normal human behavior in the rest of the world.
But for Riot, they need their safe space. It's gotten so extreme that even if I don't insult anyone, don't call anyone names, but just ARGUE about the jungler having no dragon control… it's considered toxic.
I don't have a second account…
post screenshots of your chat logs that got you permabanned
02-14-2019, 04:49 PM
playing vs jungle Karthus is very very annoying
was playing Kindred (obviously) and absolutely trashed this karthus early game, 3 buffed him, killed him at his redbuff, invaded and solo killed him 3 times
despite that he still had a huge presence on the game and made it insanely difficult for us to pull off our win
was playing Kindred (obviously) and absolutely trashed this karthus early game, 3 buffed him, killed him at his redbuff, invaded and solo killed him 3 times
despite that he still had a huge presence on the game and made it insanely difficult for us to pull off our win
02-14-2019, 04:51 PM
Originally Posted By Purfected⏩
Game 2 Pre-Game rant was the only thing I feel like I shouldn't have done. I was legit tilted after a 7 game losing streak, in which there was nothing I could do to stop it. I tried everything, but the matchmaking was giving me trolls and some bad players. Still, that rant was not directed at anyone, it was in champ selection and I was venting about my situation.
post screenshots of your chat logs that got you permabanned
(no, CalmWind is not the real account name. Placements put me in Bronze 3, and I was currently on my climb and was in Silver 3 at the time of ban I think)
Game 1
CalmWind: lots of AD on this team
CalmWind: no problem
CalmWind: my backup Top is Annie
CalmWind: is JANNA still the best supp?
CalmWind: 4enemy AD
CalmWind: buy armor
CalmWind: he has tp
CalmWind: just saying before i get an "wheres the mia"
CalmWind: i come for infernal
CalmWind: now that we got infernal theyll stop campign bot
CalmWind: zed gto top
CalmWind: u letting garen roam too much
CalmWind: **** that
CalmWind: you letting bot get raped "mate"
CalmWind: go top as i said, u fail at your own logic
CalmWind: this zed make us lose watch
CalmWind: lmao vi
CalmWind: yeah this is over
CalmWind: where were you when i was getting 2v1d mid ? then you come and feed anyway
CalmWind: another drake lost
CalmWind: ff poease
CalmWind: 0 dragon control
CalmWind: youre the jungler
CalmWind: not me
CalmWind: where vi
CalmWind: oh yeahj
CalmWind: never here
CalmWind: we would have 0 dragons if i didnt leave my lane at 8 minutes
CalmWind: zyra im just pissed at how bad the drag control is
CalmWind: it will cost us game as the game gets longer
CalmWind: vi again with the pro plays
CalmWind: nice initiatye
CalmWind: VI MVP
CalmWind: yeah lets quietly lose instead of tell Vi what she doing wrong
CalmWind: i am
CalmWind: ahh so its okay to flame me
CalmWind: but when i talk, "shut uup and play"
CalmWind: the sad part is, the Zed thinks hes good with 14-4
CalmWind: its the most empty 14-4 ever. he allowed Garen to switch mid and rape bottom
CalmWind: never once saved bot
CalmWind: the garen went from 0-1 to like 10-1 in 5 minutes
CalmWind: by switching from top to mid
CalmWind: and the Zed did NOTHING
CalmWind: yeah to secure the ONLY dragon we got
CalmWind: the 1st infernal
CalmWind: that why i left top
CalmWind: if not, we would have 0 dragons
CalmWind: lmao
Game 2
CalmWind: 7 game losing streak
CalmWind: **** riot
CalmWind: if any of you ****ing *******s decide to farm bot while we try to stop baron 4v5, i will ****ing die
CalmWind: ****ing ADC decide to farm bot to finish an item 40 minutes into game while we try to stop baron 4v5 and cant
CalmWind: lose us the ****ing game god ****ing damnit 7 game losing streak
CalmWind: yes
CalmWind: so dont ****ing play like idiots please
CalmWind: i wont let you down
CalmWind: dont ****ing let me down, at least show me you TRY
CalmWind: i dont care if your bad
CalmWind: but TRY
CalmWind: dont do stupid **** like farm wolves while we die
CalmWind: katarina afk while u guys skirmish
CalmWind: already have hope
CalmWind: fml
CalmWind: look at her though
CalmWind: what if you guys fought
CalmWind: shes chillin at tower
CalmWind: why run?
CalmWind: ur up 3 kills and still want to hide at tower?
CalmWind: for waht?
CalmWind: i didnt int, so **** off
CalmWind: ur 1-6
CalmWind: whats ur excuse
CalmWind: still 1-6
CalmWind: should we report you too
CalmWind: in fact, ezreal called me names
CalmWind: i should report him
CalmWind: lets see who gfets in trouble
CalmWind: ezreal wants to talk about reporting, he called me names, against summoner rules. Tribunal reads chat and youre suspended
CalmWind: enjoy
CalmWind: youll see
CalmWind: i dint insult any9one here
CalmWind: you did
CalmWind: youll learn
CalmWind: my team is raging at me in chat and blaming me and want to report cause i lost lane
CalmWind: no biggie
CalmWind: they insulted me, so they will be reported
CalmWind: why is katarina talking? she has worse socre than i do and is pretending she did well
CalmWind: im not flaming anyone and ur flaming me and u did worse
CalmWind: 2-12 mid and ur blaming me
CalmWind: enemy team, please help me report my raging team
CalmWind: ezreal and katarina
CalmWind: insulting me in chat for no reason
CalmWind: the katarina did even worse than me and is flaming me
CalmWind: i didnt flame anyone
Game 3
CalmWind: the enemy bot lane has like 500k champion points
CalmWind: both of them
CalmWind: it means theyve played thousands of games with that champion
CalmWind: literally thousands
CalmWind: ive got like 1k annie game and im only at 80,000
CalmWind: pyke is a bitch champion
CalmWind: too many escapes
CalmWind: khazix
CalmWind: that 0-5 is hurting us
CalmWind: so get out of jungle if youre a weakling
CalmWind: seriosu
CalmWind: wow
CalmWind: remember when kha was like "so what this is low elo"
CalmWind: cough
CalmWind: 0-5-1
CalmWind: bot lane 3-9
CalmWind: nope i dont
CalmWind: i had to leave lane because of the pathetic crap going on by bot and jungler
CalmWind: i have 3 kills look again
CalmWind: terrible crap by jungler and bot lane made me leave lane
CalmWind: next time stfu kha, you clearly dont know ****
CalmWind: at start of game i told you this bot lane is good
CalmWind: and kha was like "so"
CalmWind: lmao
CalmWind: send kha's useless ass to go defend
CalmWind: everyone goes b?
CalmWind: why you fopllowing?
CalmWind: **** of
CalmWind: i leave to go help galio and then all of you follow and leave bot lane
CalmWind: ^ wrekt
CalmWind: by lux
CalmWind: truth
CalmWind: oh wow kha stole baron
CalmWind: gj..
CalmWind: fought without annie
CalmWind: duh
CalmWind: stick as 5 man
CalmWind: if we win 1 fight its possible to win
CalmWind: stick together
Ave Christus Rex
Toxic Masculinity crew.
Pureblood crew.
Wholesome crew.
02-14-2019, 04:55 PM
Originally Posted By CalmWind⏩
Bro you do not sound like someone enjoyable to play with at all.
Game 1
Who the fuk gets into a chit show like that with randoms online. You are legit the type of person I get in my games that makes me not want to play. Doesn't even matter if all of your "Logic" is correct. It's just plain unfun playing with someone going off like that.
*Dallas Cowboys Crew*
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Fukin mall cop neg police of piss
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