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» Can we get Forum Admin or a Mod to Ban Chit Sources?
08-27-2024, 09:26 AM
lol allsides is like the fact checker websites.
Sounds great to have an idea of bias until you realize the arbitrators of bias have a bias as well.
Sounds great to have an idea of bias until you realize the arbitrators of bias have a bias as well.
08-27-2024, 10:38 AM
Originally Posted By Stizzel⏩
No chit, everyone feels their censorship is righteous and will insist they are one of the good guys, forcing their will on others to protect the children environment business country god’s will etc.
To paraphrase something RFK said recently - when have the good guys EVER supported censorship? Isn't it ALWAYS the bad guys?
08-27-2024, 10:42 AM
Originally Posted By BeachPro11⏩
Wat? The Daily Mail doesn’t even pretend to be anything other than tabloid horse chit.
I actually think the daily mail is pretty legit compared to today's mostly PRAVDA like reporting in the USA.
They don't take a huge side either way..although I do think they slightly lean right…and always show videos to back up their reporting.
I think because they don't spin the leftist narrative 100% that people on the left think that is "bad". They have gotten spoiled.
In reality that is just how things used to be for much or American history. Legit unbiased reporting.
They don't take a huge side either way..although I do think they slightly lean right…and always show videos to back up their reporting.
I think because they don't spin the leftist narrative 100% that people on the left think that is "bad". They have gotten spoiled.
In reality that is just how things used to be for much or American history. Legit unbiased reporting.
08-27-2024, 11:02 AM
so OP wants me to ban him? Better to just log out so you can come back if you want.
☆ MissChill Appreciation Crew ☆ Owner ☆ Σ ☆
08-27-2024, 11:10 AM
Brutal. You almost hate seeing ownage like that.
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
- Arthur Schopenhauer
08-27-2024, 11:52 AM
Has anyone told Pedrophile Pat that if he doesn't like chit sources he can stop sourcing MSNBC?
Why do you need a mod to prevent you? Are you that mentally ill?
Why do you need a mod to prevent you? Are you that mentally ill?
Official misc attaché to the Kremlin
Наше дело правое.
Враг будет разбит.
Победа будет за нами!
08-27-2024, 12:16 PM
So OP wants to get banned?
08-27-2024, 12:21 PM
Can we get Forum Admin or a Mod to Neg Chit Posters?
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
- Arthur Schopenhauer
08-27-2024, 12:27 PM
Lmao at all the morons claiming I "disappeared" and are throwing around bullchit accusations and claims…. the fuking forum has gone to chit and I can't respond to any post.
This will have to do for now.
Edit: Oh look… a mod finally shows up when the forum is bricked. Shocker.
This will have to do for now.
Edit: Oh look… a mod finally shows up when the forum is bricked. Shocker.
08-27-2024, 01:43 PM
OP the kinda pheggit who sees a report on CNN that the sky is purple, then proceeds to tell everyone the sky is indeed purple, while screaming "don't you watch the NEWS?!?!?!?!"
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08-27-2024, 01:46 PM
another glorious diabetic pat meltdown.
and the fact this loon votes is scary. should lose the right to vote
and the fact this loon votes is scary. should lose the right to vote
Top G Crew
#1 Misc Tate supporter.
If you are reading this - go do 100 push ups.
- Mountaineer92
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08-27-2024, 01:59 PM
Originally Posted By goody1⏩
Remember when they kept saying to "start your own social media website" if you don't like twitter?
It’s amazing how the left is now completely against Twitter/X since Elon took it over and stopped the shadow banning of conservatives and not calling anything that went against the Biden family “Russian Disinformation”
Before they were all about “learn to code if you don’t like it”
Now it’s all “fake news” according to the same people
Before they were all about “learn to code if you don’t like it”
Now it’s all “fake news” according to the same people
Pepperidge Farms remembers.
Words to live by…."You're at the shopping mall with your girl but a hot chick walks by. Are you going to look at the hot girl? No. You use your peripheral vision."
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08-27-2024, 02:02 PM
Originally Posted By Mountaineer92⏩
Of course. I asked him real questions that he cannot weasel out of without using facts and he has none. So he disappeared.
diabetic pat loves to disappear when things get REAL.
like cuomo sexual harassment and cuomo killing old people. once that was being reported, diabetic pat, who defended killer cuomo for months during covid, disappeared for an entire month.
always been a bitch
like cuomo sexual harassment and cuomo killing old people. once that was being reported, diabetic pat, who defended killer cuomo for months during covid, disappeared for an entire month.
always been a bitch
Words to live by…."You're at the shopping mall with your girl but a hot chick walks by. Are you going to look at the hot girl? No. You use your peripheral vision."
- BeachPro11
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08-27-2024, 02:04 PM
Originally Posted By Seatard⏩
I completely disagree. It is one of the few news reporting sources that reports both sides, and reports both sides no matter what. In other words they don't ignore a story. They just want views. And I can respect that. And as I said they almost always back up their stories with videos. Whether it be a story about Kim K or Biden or Trump or whomever.
Wat? The Daily Mail doesn’t even pretend to be anything other than tabloid horse chit.
They report EVERYTHING.
Words to live by…."You're at the shopping mall with your girl but a hot chick walks by. Are you going to look at the hot girl? No. You use your peripheral vision."
- BeachPro11
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08-27-2024, 02:04 PM
If far-left MSM propaganda didn't exist… would we have had the trump assassination attempt? The attack on Rand Paul? The shooting of Steve Scalise?
Seems like that violent rhetoric is enough to rile up the left into committing violent crimes against right wing politicians.
Seems like that violent rhetoric is enough to rile up the left into committing violent crimes against right wing politicians.
- rampagefc77
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08-27-2024, 02:05 PM
Originally Posted By NYPat⏩
You did disappear. And STILL have not answered my question to you. Per usual.
Lmao at all the morons claiming I "disappeared" and are throwing around bullchit accusations and claims…. the fuking forum has gone to chit and I can't respond to any post.
This will have to do for now.
Edit: Oh look… a mod finally shows up when the forum is bricked. Shocker.
This will have to do for now.
Edit: Oh look… a mod finally shows up when the forum is bricked. Shocker.
Words to live by…."You're at the shopping mall with your girl but a hot chick walks by. Are you going to look at the hot girl? No. You use your peripheral vision."
- BeachPro11
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- BeachPro11
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08-27-2024, 02:47 PM
Originally Posted By BeachPro11⏩
Hmmmm, I took another look. To be fair, in between all the EXCLUSIVE SHOCKING BOMBSHELLS, they do post some straight news reports that are more or less unbiased reporting of events.
I completely disagree. It is one of the few news reporting sources that reports both sides, and reports both sides no matter what. In other words they don't ignore a story. They just want views. And I can respect that. And as I said they almost always back up their stories with videos. Whether it be a story about Kim K or Biden or Trump or whomever.
They report EVERYTHING.
They report EVERYTHING.
08-27-2024, 03:20 PM
Originally Posted By Seatard⏩
They look at what gets clicks and produce more of it. As they produce more free content than any other major paper, they have to pay for it all with click based advertising (the website is horrific for adverts).
Hmmmm, I took another look. To be fair, in between all the EXCLUSIVE SHOCKING BOMBSHELLS, they do post some straight news reports that are more or less unbiased reporting of events.
As far as the reporting goes, they have some people who are a bit left and some who are a bit right, but they frequently name their sources, which is more than most.
The main problem with their reporting is that it is frequently not very well written. A lot of the articles are written directly on to the website; typos, bad grammar and all.
As far as news coverage without a paywall; it is the best out there.
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08-27-2024, 03:46 PM
Originally Posted By BeachPro11⏩
Dude I respond to lots of people and the forum bricked. I assure you… no one is "avoiding" your tough questions. LOL
You did disappear. And STILL have not answered my question to you. Per usual.
08-27-2024, 03:48 PM
Originally Posted By Seatard⏩
The Daily Mail runs daily fear-mongering stories about trannies and immigrants to perpetuate the right wing talking point that they're destroying the country and all that crap.
Wat? The Daily Mail doesn’t even pretend to be anything other than tabloid horse chit.
I refuse to click Daily Mail links.
08-27-2024, 03:52 PM
Originally Posted By Seatard⏩
That is my point. Yes they report some TMZ type stuff. But they also report 1000 x more stories from all sides…and in much greater detail that I don't see in the MSM.
Hmmmm, I took another look. To be fair, in between all the EXCLUSIVE SHOCKING BOMBSHELLS, they do post some straight news reports that are more or less unbiased reporting of events.
If you want to find out the details about almost any news story? They have it. I think it is a very very well run site.
Words to live by…."You're at the shopping mall with your girl but a hot chick walks by. Are you going to look at the hot girl? No. You use your peripheral vision."
- BeachPro11
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- BeachPro11
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08-27-2024, 03:56 PM
Originally Posted By NYPat⏩
Then please respond….
Dude I respond to lots of people and the forum bricked. I assure you… no one is "avoiding" your tough questions. LOL
See but it is a hole in your game. I am not sure what you think happens to these videos if they are posted on a site that you don't like. Are they somehow changed? Altered? Ai? Certainly that happens occasionally but by and large we are still at the point in our society where what you see is what you get. Real video showing real events. Just because a video is not posted on something that you approve of (usually left leaning websites or media outlets) does not make the video less valid.
Plus also remember that there are some "legit-in your eyes" media outlets that flat out refuse to report or show anything that goes against the left leaning narrative. We have seen that countless times. So often times the only places to find the actual videos are on places like X (which up until Elon you loved btw) or a Breitbart or a Fox. It is just because you are so biased towards the left that anything from sites like that make you go screeching like a chicken with its head cut off.
It's very odd and only makes you appear more cult like than you already do. If there was a video on MSNBC or on some far left youtubers account about some far right person doing something bad, my reaction would not be to say "I don't believe it or I am not going to watch it".
I would watch the video and then make my own judgement based on the video. Not where it was posted or who posted it.
Don't you have enough faith in your own judgement to watch something and make an informed decision about it based on what your own eyes see rather than just dismiss it firsthand and scream FAKE NEWS? (Funny how you have adopted one of Trump's favorite sayings btw)
I guess not.
Words to live by…."You're at the shopping mall with your girl but a hot chick walks by. Are you going to look at the hot girl? No. You use your peripheral vision."
- BeachPro11
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- BeachPro11
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08-27-2024, 04:08 PM
Originally Posted By BeachPro11⏩
Yeah I already responded to your nonsense here:
Then please respond….
See but it is a hole in your game. I am not sure what you think happens to these videos if they are posted on a site that you don't like. Are they somehow changed? Altered? Ai? Certainly that happens occasionally but by and large we are still at the point in our society where what you see is what you get. Real video showing real events. Just because a video is not posted on something that you approve of (usually left leaning websites or media outlets) does not make the video less valid.
Plus also remember that there are some "legit-in your eyes" media outlets that flat out refuse to report or show anything that goes against the left leaning narrative. We have seen that countless times. So often times the only places to find the actual videos are on places like X (which up until Elon you loved btw) or a Breitbart or a Fox. It is just because you are so biased towards the left that anything from sites like that make you go screeching like a chicken with its head cut off.
It's very odd and only makes you appear more cult like than you already do. If there was a video on MSNBC or on some far left youtubers account about some far right person doing something bad, my reaction would not be to say "I don't believe it or I am not going to watch it".
I would watch the video and then make my own judgement based on the video. Not where it was posted or who posted it.
Don't you have enough faith in your own judgement to watch something and make an informed decision about it based on what your own eyes see rather than just dismiss it firsthand and scream FAKE NEWS? (Funny how you have adopted one of Trump's favorite sayings btw)
I guess not.
See but it is a hole in your game. I am not sure what you think happens to these videos if they are posted on a site that you don't like. Are they somehow changed? Altered? Ai? Certainly that happens occasionally but by and large we are still at the point in our society where what you see is what you get. Real video showing real events. Just because a video is not posted on something that you approve of (usually left leaning websites or media outlets) does not make the video less valid.
Plus also remember that there are some "legit-in your eyes" media outlets that flat out refuse to report or show anything that goes against the left leaning narrative. We have seen that countless times. So often times the only places to find the actual videos are on places like X (which up until Elon you loved btw) or a Breitbart or a Fox. It is just because you are so biased towards the left that anything from sites like that make you go screeching like a chicken with its head cut off.
It's very odd and only makes you appear more cult like than you already do. If there was a video on MSNBC or on some far left youtubers account about some far right person doing something bad, my reaction would not be to say "I don't believe it or I am not going to watch it".
I would watch the video and then make my own judgement based on the video. Not where it was posted or who posted it.
Don't you have enough faith in your own judgement to watch something and make an informed decision about it based on what your own eyes see rather than just dismiss it firsthand and scream FAKE NEWS? (Funny how you have adopted one of Trump's favorite sayings btw)
I guess not.
Originally Posted By NYPat⏩
Derp. I'll spell it out for you since you obviously can't figure it out yourself.
Whether something actually happened or not isn't the point. The facts are the facts. I am not clicking on an X link from MonkeesFlingPoo. Period.
If you want to be taken seriously, post a legit link. It doesn't have to be left or right wing, just not a known fake news source like X.
And it's not a "hole in my game". It's common sense. People should post links that their intended audience feels confident clicking. They should post a link to bring validity to their post. They should want people to read the link - not ignore it.
Whether something actually happened or not isn't the point. The facts are the facts. I am not clicking on an X link from MonkeesFlingPoo. Period.
If you want to be taken seriously, post a legit link. It doesn't have to be left or right wing, just not a known fake news source like X.
And it's not a "hole in my game". It's common sense. People should post links that their intended audience feels confident clicking. They should post a link to bring validity to their post. They should want people to read the link - not ignore it.
Let me repeat for reasons I have already repeated… I am not going to click on an X, Breitbart, or Fox link. They are trash and I'm not clicking that chit.
Now if you want to get into the "faith in your own judgment" comment… I'll start by reminding you that you thought that Paul Pelosi was getting hit the head with a hammer by his lover… and that the wildfires in Canada were intentionally set rather than by wildfires. Your judgment and blatant racism displayed here puts you in NO position to judge others.
And of course I have to explain to you why I use the term Fake news.. because you morons love that term for actual news. Pointing out your trash sources are actual fake news is to drive that home.
It's like when Fox News finally posts the truth and I post a link to it. I'm not doing that because I suddenly think Fox News is legit, or because I'm a hypocrite, it's to drive home that even Fox Fuking Fake News is reporting it.
Inb4 you continue asking me to explain what I've already explained to you..
08-27-2024, 04:27 PM
Originally Posted By Seatard⏩
All of these news sites are simply biased, which doesn't discount any outright (also, it's something inherent to them all, you can't just whine to remove the ones without *your* bias).
Hmmmm, I took another look. To be fair, in between all the EXCLUSIVE SHOCKING BOMBSHELLS, they do post some straight news reports that are more or less unbiased reporting of events.
Dailymail might talk constantly about some trans mtf beating up women in sports, which might amplify the stories, maybe even make them seem far more prevalent than they are (I mean, does anyone in here *personally* know a female athlete beaten by some mtf trans? No?). The stories are still factual, though.
Just as when the MSM might cover some thug robbing a store and getting shot, then showing pictures of the criminal as an innocent kid and interviewing his grieving family who argue he was a good kid. It's all true, they aren't making anything up, the criminal did once look like an innocent kid without neck tattoos and his family genuinely think what they were saying – but it's a hard bias to the overall story.
OP routinely gnashes his teeth over anyone who uses critical thinking to make Big Boy decisions and sift through the many biases of stories, granted it's people on the right who probably are more likely to turn a blind eye to Fox or whatever doing it, but the solution isn't to eliminate the minority of news outlets that cater to the bias the authoritarian leftist dislikes, either.
All of us should just be smarter. Keep thinking critically. Try and be fair and notice biases, even the ones that subscribe to your views. It's not hard.
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
- Arthur Schopenhauer
08-27-2024, 04:48 PM
Originally Posted By AlwaysFocus⏩
"but but but muh approved sources told me…"
OP the kinda pheggit who sees a report on CNN that the sky is purple, then proceeds to tell everyone the sky is indeed purple, while screaming "don't you watch the NEWS?!?!?!?!"
MSMcels can't think for themselves.
08-27-2024, 04:51 PM
Originally Posted By JayJ350⏩
Make believe accusations and literally one of the dumbest posters on the forum.
"but but but muh approved sources told me…"
MSMcels can't think for themselves.
MSMcels can't think for themselves.
"Hurrrrr they can't think for themselves!!!!"
Go post another pic of yourself in your dad's car and pretend you own it.
08-27-2024, 05:26 PM
Originally Posted By JUSA⏩
OP constantly accuses others of behaviors that he himself engages in egregiously. There's no point even bothering trying to engage in an honest discussion with him, because he's clearly incapable of it (and has already proven so countless times). Very dishonest, bad faith, and stupid.
OP routinely gnashes his teeth over anyone who uses critical thinking to make Big Boy decisions and sift through the many biases of stories, granted it's people on the right who probably are more likely to turn a blind eye to Fox or whatever doing it, but the solution isn't to eliminate the minority of news outlets that cater to the bias the authoritarian leftist dislikes, either.
08-27-2024, 05:28 PM
Originally Posted By Polaris⏩
So many tears lol.
OP constantly accuses others of behaviors that he himself engages in egregiously. There's no point even bothering trying to engage in an honest discussion with him, because he's clearly incapable of it (and has already proven so countless times). Very dishonest, bad faith, and stupid.
08-27-2024, 05:44 PM
Originally Posted By Polaris⏩
He is the only user on this form I have blocked for that reason.
OP constantly accuses others of behaviors that he himself engages in egregiously. There's no point even bothering trying to engage in an honest discussion with him, because he's clearly incapable of it (and has already proven so countless times). Very dishonest, bad faith, and stupid.
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