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08-20-2013, 06:27 PM

Auto Section Rules

All the Misc rules apply here as well:

More may be added as needed.

Otherwise, play nice and enjoy!
  1. anonymous
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  1. anonymous
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08-21-2013, 07:21 AM
- please respect your fellow auto enthusiast. Blatant signs of disrespect will will not be tolerated.

- absolutely NO trolling this section.

- if you have a maintenance question, please post in the following format:

Thread title: " year/make/model - HELP"
Thread body: as much detail as possible.

understand that this section is open to ANY Motorsport, and is not limited to cars.

More rules to come as we go along. But I think we can all behave as adults and engage in intelligent discussion here with minimal trolling.

"A father is a man who expects his children to be as good as he meant to be."

PSN: mrawdtsi
XBL: Xxmr4wdTRDxX
  1. mr4wdTRD
  2. James Jostles
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  2. James Jostles
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