Economic collapse is exponential - certain thresholds are permanant once crossed

Excess shoplifting has been the talk of the nation as of late.

I hate to say it, but this is here to stay it will never stop nor get better

Homeless camps will not shrink in size, ever. At best the slums stop growing, but they will never recede.

Becouse of this - the downturn accellerates exponentially as each threshold is crossed.

Threshold #1 (reached): Shoplifting becomes a pathway to a livable income wheras an honest living does not provide a livable income = permanant new burden on storefronts.

Threshold #2 (reached) Lower-income professions become too poor, causing people to create a slum - these aren't jobless folks. = Permanantly hightened vagrant activity, a tumor within the city - a cesspit for the worst kinds of crime

Threshold #3: (reached) Nationwide collapse in quality education = The educators are less educated, and the public school system becomes nothing more than a daycare&future generations become worthless

Threshold #4 : (in-progess) White collar productivity/innovation comes to a crawl due to brain drain = Services relied upon deteroriate systematically, the competence gap creates a problem which can no longer be solved by throwing money at

Threshold #5 (not reached) Impovershed municipality workers become a mafia to raise cash maliciously = Neccessities become a privalage, not a right & Law enforcement functions become a city funded racket for bribes and "security fees" imposed oppertunistically (think west africa's police force)

Threshold #6 (not reached) money becomes secondary to force. joining a gang becomes normalized - and a fractured society fights wild-west style = The complete and total collapse of law and order, and once this threshold is crossed, the country is no longer 1st world