What do you boyos think? (opinion)

I'm on day 6 of my diet, haven't weighed myself but I've cut calories by a little over 1000 a day, been getting roughly 2200 a day.

Thinking I might have a refeed day on day 8 where I will eat like 4000 calories, or maybe even eat as much of whatever I want, what do you think boyos? Should I stay the course and not give myself a refeed day?
Bloatlord, Arm wrestler, Live/sister/4 kids, Schizo, M:TG, Home gym, Fincel,
Open heart surgery, Disabled, Hep C, Dietcel, Low test, NOT an incel

Start transformation : https://youtu.be/mWd90XGHF40
DL 405 x 5 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28GFsy7Kpyo

Getterdone, GaryRidgway, BalognaNbeans
Blueberryboy, SirFapsAIot, explosiveMidget

I have list/users I hate.

JohnVee megathread: https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=185540581&p=1703577931#post1703577931